Any fellow #SUDA51 fans out there ❓
If that's you, do yourself a favor and check out The Art of #GrasshopperManufacture ❤️
A very cool #book showcasing the artistry of the team.
#BlackKnightSword #BloodPlus #Contact #DiabolicalPitch #Gaming #FatalFrame #FlowerSunAndRain #FrogMinutes #Killer7 #KillerIsDead #LetItDie #LiberationMaiden #LollipopChainsaw #NoMoreHeroes #SamuraiChamploo #ShadowsOfTheDamned #ShiningSoul #ShortPeace #SineMora #TheSilverCase #VideoGames
#videogames #thesilvercase #sinemora #shortpeace #shiningsoul #ShadowsOfTheDamned #samuraichamploo #NoMoreHeroes #lollipopchainsaw #liberationmaiden #LetItDie #KillerIsDead #Killer7 #frogminutes #flowersunandrain #fatalframe #Gaming #diabolicalpitch #contact #bloodplus #blackknightsword #book #grasshoppermanufacture #Suda51
Since there was soo little fanart for this series I wanted to make some for it because it's one of my favorites anime from the 2000s. I loved how the series wasn't afraid to be dark but didn't became fully silly in it like a lot of more modern series.