I am now listening to Jack Nicolson by bloodthirsty butchers #bloodthirstybutchers
This is not even their most popular album, but it is their first album, and what is perhaps the greatest J-Rock band that has ever existed had here already recorded one or two of their best-known hits. If you don't know them, you should get to know everything that #NumberGirl has done, and then hit the spinoffs #ZazenBoys, #Toddle, and #BloodthirstyButchers. It's blown-out heat on a wintry, dismal day. #JRock https://invidious.drivet.xyz/watch?v=QZTL3Ub8AEo
#numbergirl #zazenboys #toddle #bloodthirstybutchers #jrock
#nowspinning #bloodthirstybutchers #ギタリストを殺さないで #391tone #vinylrecords #12inchvinyl #sl1200mk3d #shurem447 #100sounds #rs44100b #合研ラボ #gk05lcr #sansui607xr
bloodthirsty butchersの「ギタリストを殺さないで」受取完了!
#bloodthirstybutchers #ギタリストを殺さないで
#ギタリストを殺さないで #bloodthirstybutchers
bloodthirsty butchersの「ギタリストを殺さないで」受取完了!
#bloodthirstybutchers #ギタリストを殺さないで
#ギタリストを殺さないで #bloodthirstybutchers