When I was in Santa Fe, we went to the Georgia Okeefe art museum, and they handed me an iPad with their audio tour loaded. After spending some time with it I realized it was the Bloomberg connects app with the Georgia Okeefe guide loaded up.
My wife and I realized I could just sit on the bench and work through the audio guide while she roamed around looking at the art. I also realized that I could install this app on my own iPhone and take virtual tours of different venues around the world. I just downloaded the app and took a tour of the Intrepid in New York city. https://www.bloombergconnects.org/ #SantaFe #georgiaOkeefe #BloombergConnects #Intrepid
#santafe #georgiaokeefe #bloombergconnects #Intrepid
RT @bbgconnects@twitter.com
"I got a tattoo on my arm here. And from there on, that was my name. I had no name."
Holocaust survivors (like Joseph Alexander) recount their experiences in their own words in the new @hmla1961@twitter.com digital guide on #BloombergConnects. Listen here: http://bloombg.org/3Y1zE2Z
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bbgconnects/status/1600962974797254677