Student Loan-Relief Backers Warn Biden ‘Failure Isn’t an Option’
#BloombergNews #StudentLoanRelief #BidenAdministration #HigherEducationDebt #EconomicRecovery #FinancialAid #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #studentloanrelief #Bidenadministration #highereducationdebt #economicrecovery #financialaid #politics #news
#unredacted #FDIC doc released to #BloombergNews due to #SiliconValley #Bank Collapse #FOIA request, provides detailed glimpse into now #taxpayer backed #VentureCapital #StartUps & #Chinese #Investors saved by another USA #bankster #BailOut
#unredacted #fdic #bloombergnews #siliconvalley #bank #foia #taxpayer #venturecapital #startups #chinese #investors #bankster #bailout
Ford is getting $9.2 billion from the Biden administration to develop three EV battery factories. The loans are a watershed moment in the US race to catch up with China on green tech
#BloombergNews #FordEVBatteryFactories #BidenGreenTechFunding #USvsChinaGreenRace #ElectricVehicleRevolution #CleanEnergyFuture #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #fordevbatteryfactories #bidengreentechfunding #usvschinagreenrace #electricvehiclerevolution #cleanenergyfuture #politics #news
Social Security Benefits Targeted for Cuts by House Conservatives
#BloombergNews #SocialSecurityCuts #HouseConservatives #RetirementBenefits #ElderlyCitizens #NationalBudget #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #socialsecuritycuts #houseconservatives #retirementbenefits #elderlycitizens #nationalbudget #politics #news
Most Federal Employees Face More Oversight Than Clarence Thomas and Supreme Court
#BloombergNews #FederalOversight #ClarenceThomas #SupremeCourt #GovernmentAccountability #TransparencyInGovernment #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #federaloversight #clarencethomas #supremecourt #governmentaccountability #transparencyingovernment #politics #news
George Santos Ordered to Reveal the Names of Those Who Paid His $500,000 Bail
#BloombergNews #GeorgeSantos #BailGuarantor #CourtOrder #Transparency #LegalNews #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #georgesantos #bailguarantor #courtorder #transparency #legalnews #politics #news
Billionaire Harlan Crow, Benefactor to Justice Thomas, Rebuffs Senate on Ethics Probe
#BloombergNews #HarlanCrow #JusticeThomas #SenateEthicsProbe #PoliticalDonations #SupremeCourtJustices #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #harlancrow #justicethomas #senateethicsprobe #politicaldonations #SupremeCourtjustices #politics #news
Progressives Urge Biden to Use 14th Amendment to Bypass Congress on Debt Limit
#BloombergNews #BidenDebtLimit #ProgressiveDemands #14thAmendment #CongressBypass #GOPResistance #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #bidendebtlimit #progressivedemands #14thamendment #congressbypass #gopresistance #politics #news
Watch Trump’s Deposition in the Lawsuit Accusing Him of Rape
#BloombergNews #TrumpDeposition #RapeLawsuit #SexualAssaultAllegations #LegalBattle #MeTooMovement #Politics #News
#bloombergnews #trumpdeposition #rapelawsuit #sexualassaultallegations #legalbattle #metoomovement #politics #news
Hi Michael! I'd really like to "The Coming El Niño Could Be a Glimpse of a Grim Future" about #ClimateChange by Mark Gongloff on #BloombergNews !
Hoping someone will "gift" it to us in the follow-up discussion here!
"The Coming El Niño Could Be a Glimpse of a Grim Future" by Mark Gongloff for #BloombergNews:
Footage of #maskless fans packed into #Qatar’s stadiums for the #WorldCup puts #China—facing rising discontent over its continuing strict #Covid protocols—in a bind.
Footage reviewed by #BloombergNews and shared on #socialmedia appears to show the state #broadcaster #ChinaCentralTelevision (#CCTV) pulling back on footage of the #stadium #crowds compared to other international networks.
#maskless #qatar #worldcup #china #covid #bloombergnews #socialmedia #broadcaster #chinacentraltelevision #cctv #stadium #crowds #qatar2022 #zeroCovid #pandemic #timemagazine
Hintergründe zur Bloomberg-Meldung, dass der Rubel die beste Währung 2021 sei:
#bloombergnews #rubel #russland
This is why Vancouver has become North America's anti-Asian hate crime capital
Not sure this gives the whole picture; the headline claim is shocking.
Not that I really know better, as a non-Asian on the other side of the country. The opinions of those closer to #Vancouver would be welcome.
#bloombergnews #nationalpost #vancouver