#Bloomsbury USA publisher's president dies in speedboat collision in #Italy | The Guardian
From the Bhopal gas tragedy to Facebook and Bloomsbury, a history of corporate culpability
What ties Warren Anderson, the CEO of Union Carbide when the Bhopal Gas Tragedy occurred, to Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, and Nigel Newton, the CEO of Bloomsbury? It is the belief that they need not follow the same standards for their business in India that they do in Western democracies, writes Hartosh Singh Bal.
#CorporateCrime #business #meta #facebook #whatsapp #bloomsbury #BigTech #UnionCarbide #BhopalGasTragedy #DelhiPogrom #DelhiRiots #WarrenAnderson #MarkZuckerberg #hindutva #islamophobia #HateSpeech #industry #BJP #india #HartoshSinghBal
#corporatecrime #business #meta #facebook #whatsapp #bloomsbury #bigtech #UnionCarbide #BhopalGasTragedy #DelhiPogrom #DelhiRiots #warrenanderson #MarkZuckerberg #hindutva #islamophobia #hatespeech #industry #BJP #india #hartoshsinghbal
Irish whiskey, essence of Guinness, and liquorice, what is there not to like? Served with a very thin Sardinian bread, if I got it right. Yummy. At the #Bloomsbury hotel cocktail bar. Let’s hope the Bloomsbury Group would approve.
ICYMI: Kesia Lupo’s Let’s Play Murder is a twisting YA whodunnit that pits five youngsters against one another in an attempt to solve a murder.
@keslupo @KidsBloomsbury #Book #Books #BookReview #BookReviews #Bloomsbury #YA #YABook
#book #books #bookreview #bookreviews #bloomsbury #ya #yabook
Kesia Lupo’s Let’s Play Murder is a twisting YA whodunnit that pits five youngsters against one another in an attempt to solve a murder.
@keslupo @KidsBloomsbury #Book #Books #BookReview #BookReviews #Bloomsbury #YA #YABook
#book #books #bookreview #bookreviews #bloomsbury #ya #yabook
Kesia Lupo’s Let’s Play Murder is a twisting YA whodunnit that pits five youngsters against one another in an attempt to solve a murder.
@keslupo @KidsBloomsbury #Book #Books #BookReview #BookReviews #Bloomsbury #YA #YABook
#book #books #bookreview #bookreviews #bloomsbury #ya #yabook
This radio essay on writers from #South Africa & #Bloomsbury does a lot to place #SolPlaatje's wonderful book #Mhudi as a visionary and neglected novel (published late 20s, written by 1919) -- he was in London with the South African Native National Congress. It also explains that #Orlando was started after Woolf heard about Vita Sackville-West's affair with Mary Campbell -- and makes me want to read some William Plomer, whose books the Woolfs published. #modernism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_Plaatje
#south #bloomsbury #solplaatje #mhudi #orlando #modernism
Virginia sobre el dinero. Está presente a lo largo de todos sus diarios. Aquí (volumen 3. p 70). #virginiawoolf #virginiawoolfdiaries #bloomsbury #economíayliteratura #literaturayeconomia
#literaturayeconomia #economiayliteratura #bloomsbury #virginiawoolfdiaries #VirginiaWoolf
Preparando una conversación sobre Virginia Woolf renuevo ese amor por la buena literatura. Muchas de las recomendaciones están en este artículo. https://silviazuletaromano.com/bloomsbury/mis-libros-favoritos-sobre-virginia-woolf/ #virginiawoolf #bloomsbury
Planning applications in Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia East, February 2023 https://fitzrovianews.com/2023/02/08/planning-applications-in-bloomsbury-and-fitzrovia-east-february-2023/ #Fitzrovia #Bloomsbury
Wow. Amazing review of Blackbeard’s Treasure! ‘Children’s Fiction at its best’… I mean. Wow. #childrensfiction #kidlit #childrensbooks #bloomsbury #theladymagazine
#childrensfiction #kidlit #childrensbooks #bloomsbury #theladymagazine
me 🤓 missing my co-editors Sierra Rooney and Harriet Senie #caa2023 #monuments #PublicArt #TeachableMonuments #bloomsbury
#caa2023 #monuments #publicArt #teachablemonuments #bloomsbury
me 🤓 missing my co-editors Sierra Rooney and Harriet Senie #caa2023 #monuments #PublicArt #TeachableMonuments #bloomsbury
#caa2023 #monuments #publicArt #teachablemonuments #bloomsbury
In the end, there's no set I like better than the rest for the full series.
I think the UK cover art is way too uneven.
The US art is the best for the last half of the series (though I'm undecided about Goblet being in that half).
And the Spanish art never really evolved much, but I think it makes the better overall set for the first three books, at least.
@bookstodon #HarryPotter #MaryGrandPre #DoloresAvendaño #Bloomsbury #Scholastic #Salamandra #Emecé
#harrypotter #marygrandpre #doloresavendano #bloomsbury #scholastic #salamandra #emece
The bedroom of Virginia Woolf in the house she shared with her dedicated, loving husband Leonard at Monks House in Sussex, England. (She shared the house, but not the bedroom. This bed was all hers.)
#VirginiaWoolf #Bloomsbury #writer
#virginiawoolf #bloomsbury #writer
@Frohmann zuletzt gelesen
von Guy Delisle: #Shenzen und #AufzeichnungenausBirma aus dem Reproduktverlag - ich mag seine Dokumentarcomics und hab als nächstes #Pjöngjang hier liegen #reprodukt #reproduktcomics #reproduktverlag #guyDelisle
Außerdem the #Watchmaker of #FiligreeStreet von Natasha Pulley. Bloomsbury Verlag. #natashapulley #bloomsbury
Aktuell lese ich von @FrauMeike Das Strahlen des Herrn Helios, erschienen bei #KlettCotta #HobbitPresse #MeikeStoverock #HerrHelios #MeingutesBuch
#meingutesbuch #herrhelios #meikestoverock #hobbitpresse #klettcotta #bloomsbury #natashapulley #filigreestreet #watchmaker #guydelisle #reproduktverlag #reproduktcomics #Reprodukt #pjongjang #aufzeichnungenausbirma #shenzen
Mi selección subjetiva y sesgada de libros por y sobre Virginia Woolf. ¿Agregarías alguno?
https://silviazuletaromano.com/bloomsbury/mis-libros-favoritos-sobre-virginia-woolf/?fbclid=IwAR2OIa9u4vatyvUCU8bQdBwY5oj-WL987h0QfXguCYaxjwwCqDshE_e9EVU #virginiawoolf #bloomsbury #keynes
#keynes #bloomsbury #VirginiaWoolf
“Doesn’t it make you melancholy—looking at the stars?” ~ Virginia Woolf, from Jacob’s Room
#VirginiaWoolf #Bloomsbury #writer
#virginiawoolf #bloomsbury #writer
Lovely @BloomsburyBooks rep gave me an advance proof of @thejonoscott 's Into the Groove, the Story of Sound From Tin Foil Vinyl. 😁🎵
Couple weeks into 2023, TBR pike already huge, doesn't stop me adding more ...
#books #music #JonathanScott #IntoTheGroove #livres #bloomsbury
#bloomsbury #livres #intothegroove #jonathanscott #music #books
El bicho tiene los peores vicios de los humanos y quizás sea lo más interesante. Inventa romances que no existen, especula sobre hechos que no ocurrieron, le cuesta decir: no sé. Escribí sobre el ChatGPT y, a 100 años de la muerte de Katherine Mansfield, homenaje con este arte hermoso de Kathelijne Bonne. #bloomsbury #chatGPT https://silviazuletaromano.com/el-canguro-filosofo/notas-de-una-incredula-sobre-el-chatgpt/