One day technology will shrink us to the size of a bee and float us around with them flower to flower.
The clearance columbines that looked pretty dead even before the heat wave have come back with a vengeance. #bloomscolling
There is always darkness behind.
The #bees arw enjoying my #allotment sunflowers today. #insects #bloomscolling
#bees #allotment #insects #bloomscolling
My indoor prostrate rosemary plant is blooming! I didn’t expect that. #bloomscolling
Celle-là je l’ai choisie parce qu’elle avait un nom rigolo un peu cagole classe : Lalande de Pomerol 🤓 #fleuristonfil #bloomscolling
Nigella and French Marigold #allotment #flower #bloomscolling
#allotment #flower #bloomscolling
August color. I’ll never be over it #bloomscolling #marigoldsociety
#bloomscolling #marigoldsociety
Time to throw my hat into the #bloomscolling ring. Unfortunately, like a child, I photograph without knowing what my object actually is. So alt texts says as much as I know about these admittedly beautiful flowers.
I got up this morning to find that my dahlias have both opened their first flowers #gardeninguk #gardening #bloomscolling
#gardeninguk #gardening #bloomscolling
Zitronenfalter, Gonepteryx rhamni auf einer Dianthus carthusianorum, Karthäuser-Nelke.
#insekten #nelke #schmetterlinge #biodiversität #bloomscolling #pflanzen #blumen
#blumen #pflanzen #bloomscolling #biodiversitat #schmetterlinge #nelke #insekten
pollinate away
my little business man
pollinate those thorns
to prick a few tomorrow
#poetry #microPoem #poem #photo #photography #nature #faunaReport #flowerReport #bloomScolling
#bloomscolling #flowerreport #faunareport #nature #photography #photo #poem #micropoem #poetry
#bloomscolling a few pics of my garden while the sun was shining earlier also one with dogs