Random Old Comic: Thanksgiving 2020 https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2020/11/26/thanksgiving-2020/ Thanksgiving 2020 #BeastWars #Blackarachnia #Blot #Ejector #Exhaust #Silverbolt #Toxitron #Transformers https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/871982954370199?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#beastwars #blackarachnia #blot #ejector #exhaust #silverbolt #toxitron #transformers
Just accidentally deleted both of my blogs... working on getting them restored. Shaky hands = triple click and deleted my blot.im account :meow_facepalm:
Maybe it's time to try https://astro.new/latest/ – if I had more time. Hoping Blot's support is fast.
Anyone know anyone at Blot?
#blot #blotim #blogging #bloghost
I am trying out blot.im, and I really like the simple functionality of it, but I wish it weren't $4 per blog. I have several tiny web sites and don't feel like tripling my hosting cost per month.
@nathanmhurst If you're familiar with Markdown, I've been hearing good things about #Blot (https://blot.im).
Random Old Comic: Make Anonymity Great Again! https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2018/09/10/make-anonymity-great-again/ #xp #abominus #blot #cutthroat #flamewar #hungurr #rippersnapper #sentinelprime #sinnertwin #transformers
#xp #abominus #blot #cutthroat #flamewar #hungurr #rippersnapper #sentinelprime #sinnertwin #transformers
Lange nicht mehr so einen interessanten Artikel in Bezug auf #Substack und all die sogenannten aktuellen „Blog“-Plattformen gelesen. Kudos an @smoitzheim für diese Meinung - und das Antriggern in Sachen #Blot 👏🏻 !
In the darkness of winter, in the depths of this Solstice time, I find the longest night.
I don't fight against the darkness, but celebrate and welcome it with open arms, because it carries a promise.
Fom the dark a new life begin in the warm light of the sun ☀️
May your Winter Solstice be wonderful and blessed .❤️
God Jul ❄️
#solstice #yule #glastonbury #blot #photography
In the darkness of winter, in the depths of this Solstice time, I find the longest night.
I don't fight against the darkness, but celebrate and welcome it with open arms, because it carries a promise.
Fom the dark a new life begin in the warm light of the sun ☀️
May your Winter Solstice be wonderful and blessed .❤️
God Jul ❄️
#solstice #yule #glastonbury #blot #photography
@dkiesow oh interesting. My site's #markdown processor must strip out the #microformats though it allows #html. Might have to submit a ticket to #Blot.
#markdown #microformats #html #blot
If you're looking at #blot http://blot.im
It's currently dead and not functioning.
Dear #blot Google synching isn't really playing. All kinds of issues.
#blogging #googledrive #buggy
#buggy #googledrive #blogging #blot
I’m officially obsessed with https://blot.im. Blog coming soon to https://brandont.blog. Would really like to fire up a d&d blog again.
Its simplicity is just *chef’s kiss*
Blot - Blot is a blogging platform with no interface. It turns a folder into a website, like magic. https://blot.im #Dev #Blog #Flatfile #Blot
Wie wäre es denn damit? Bloggen ohne sich um die Technik kümmern zu müssen, einfach über die eigene Dropbox oder Google Drive: https://maurice-renck.de/de/tech/2021/blot-blog-ohne-cms
Foutage de gueule : #blot qui distribue des #graines en forme de #publicité avec des #coquelicots dessus
... vive l'artificialisation des sols !
#coquelicots #publicité #graines #blot
L'Hôtel de Rennes Métropole vendu par Blot Immobilier 😂 i knew it ! ➡️ Ceci n'est pas un canular cf cette pub reçue dans ma boîte aux lettres. Je crois que leur chargé.e de com' va être viré.e ! Sinon le projet #opensky qqun a des news ? Big up aux "rdv lapins" 🐰 pris par #ExtinctionRebellionRennes pour blot-quer 📛 les créneaux clients de Blot 👍 #rennes #blot #extinctionrebellionrennes
#blot #rennes #extinctionrebellionrennes #opensky
Raz-le-bol de l'irrespect de mon #stoppub. J'ai envoyé ça par mail à l'agence.
J'ai trouvé les infos sur https://www.stoppub.fr, je ne suis pas sûr que tout soit bien vrai, je crois me rappeler d'un pouet de @RAPasso qui critiquait justement le manque de sanctions, mais tant pis, même si c'est peut-être un peu exagéré, si ce mail envoyé à #blot de liffré peut changer leurs pratiques... 👿
Ou bien je pourrais remplir tous les jours, leur propre boîte, de confettis, par vengeance 😈