The #BlowMonkeys recorded some banging tunes. This Singles Collection is a decent place to start if unfamiliar with their work
Happy anniversary to The Blow Monkeys single, “Digging Your Scene”. Released this week in 1986. #blowmonkeys #drrobert #diggingyourscene #animalmagic
#blowmonkeys #drrobert #diggingyourscene #animalmagic
#TOTP with John Peel and Janice Long. Peelie's last appearance until 1995.
Lots of close-ups in the #BlowMonkeys performance, but the group seem to get lost on the huge stage.
#RandyCrawford a favourite of Steve Wright In The Afternoon. Not my bag, then or now.
"No bad language on this show", promises John, after #JoolsHolland referred to «groovy fuckers» on a live trailer just before the Friday show. Producers Peter McHugh and Royston Mayoh were fired from #TheTube.
#TheTube #JoolsHolland #randycrawford #blowmonkeys #totp