Max Leibman · @maxleibman
95 followers · 601 posts · Server

Correcting myself, from a week ago: I said Chombo found an 11-minute segment of the order flow, but I was going from memory. I just reached that passage in the book tonight, and it was a 17-minute segment.

(Not that anyone cares, probably, but if the one Blue Ant fan in the world who’s more into it than I am stumbles upon this post, I don’t want to look stupid…)

#williamgibson #blueAnt #jackpot #zerohistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Max Leibman · @maxleibman
95 followers · 601 posts · Server

('Zero History' and Jackpot trilogy spoilers)

Also, apropos of nothing: I have a pet theory that connects the Blue Ant and the Jackpot trilogies.

In 'Zero History,' Bobby Chombo acquires an 11-minute snippet of the entire order flow for global markets, in advance. I think Chombo DIDN'T produce it mathematically. Rather, Blue Ant takes place in a stub, and Chombo detected, contacted, and made a deal with the post-Jackpot agents to get the info.

#williamgibson #blueAnt #jackpot #zerohistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Max Leibman · @maxleibman
95 followers · 601 posts · Server

(Mild 'Zero History' spoilers)

And, to be clear: I don't even think such a Bigend/Musk analogy would be wholly incorrect. Seeing 'Glass Onion' prompted this line of thought, but I'm also in the midst of 'Zero History,' the final Blue Ant book, and the story in which the mask drops (to use a phrase recently popular on Musk's social platform). 'Zero History' is where we see Bigend revealed—risk taker, BS artist, entitled wannabe oligarch.

#williamgibson #blueAnt #glassonion #bigend #zerohistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Max Leibman · @maxleibman
95 followers · 601 posts · Server

I was glad they picked 'The Peripheral' just because the preceding books are *so* personal to me (I've lost count of how many times I've read them, but it's definitely in the high teens).

Now, though, after watching 'Glass Onion,' I have another layer of worry for a contemporary Blue Ant adaptation: I think it would be too tempting to make Hubertus Bigend—wealthy setter-in-motion of plots and foil of protagonists—an Elon Musk analog.

#williamgibson #ThePeripheral #blueAnt #glassonion #bigend

Last updated 2 years ago

Max Leibman · @maxleibman
95 followers · 601 posts · Server

During the wait between episodes of Amazon's adaptation of William Gibson's 'The Peripheral,' I started one of my frequent re-reads of my favorite Gibsonia, the Blue Ant trilogy. In publication order, it immediately precedes the novel of 'The Peripheral.'

I'm on the final novel, 'Zero History,' and it strikes me that—as much as I like Blue Ant better than 'The Peripheral' and its sequel—we may have dodged a bullet with their choice of source material.

#williamgibson #ThePeripheral #blueAnt

Last updated 2 years ago