@dispatch Unless something has changed, #microsoft's complaints seem unwarranted; the tool only tells me that data related to a comain name was found, not which data.
The details are only available if you have SOCRadar free edition, which seems to verify that you indeed own a domain. Or did I miss something? #bluebleed #infosecurity
#microsoft #bluebleed #infosecurity
Microsoft “BlueBleed” data breach: customer details and email content exposed https://grahamcluley.com/microsoft-bluebleed-data-breach-customer-details-and-email-content-exposed/ #databreach #Microsoft #BlueBleed #Dataloss #Azure
#databreach #microsoft #bluebleed #Dataloss #azure
📬 Microsoft Datenleck schleudert brisante Kundendaten raus
#Datenschutz #AzureBlobStorage #BlueBleed #Datenleck #geistigesEigentum #Geschäftskunden #Kundendaten #SOCRadar https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/microsoft-datenleck-schleudert-brisante-kundendaten-raus-258044.html
#SOCRadar #kundendaten #geschäftskunden #geistigeseigentum #datenleck #bluebleed #AzureBlobStorage #datenschutz
Microsoft “BlueBleed” data breach: customer details and email content exposed - Microsoft says that it accidentally exposed sensitive customer data after failing to conf... https://grahamcluley.com/microsoft-bluebleed-data-breach-customer-details-and-email-content-exposed/ #databreach #microsoft #bluebleed #dataloss #azure
#azure #dataloss #bluebleed #microsoft #databreach