Hi there! I'm here to talk about an important topic in the EU parliament. There are a lot of people who want to speak, so I'd like to ask that we keep our comments brief and only use the blue card system when it's really necessary. Let's try to be mindful of how many people want to share their thoughts and opinions on this issue. #EUparliament #debate #speakers #bluecard
[Summarized using Llama2]
#euparliament #debate #speakers #bluecard
Did you know that you can work and live in the EU even if you are not an EU citizen?
How? Apply for the Blue Card if you:
🟦 are a highly skilled worker;
🟦 hold a degree or equivalent;
🟦 have a job offer above the minimum salary.
The permit is valid for four years and can be renovated. You can also bring your family with you.
We call for an equal implementation of the measures among all EU countries.
Read our opinions 👉 europa.eu/!w73pvP
As a legal resident and #BlueCard holder, I tried to sign up to two #finance institutions here in #Germany for their high-interest savings. Both places asked for place of birth and denied me, because, "Personen mit US-Bezug haben wir von den US-Behörden nur ein limitiertes Kontingent verfügbar und dieses ist aktuell ausgeschöpft." I'm not seeing this for any other investing or general finance companies, as I already have a #German #bank account. Is this legal?
#bluecard #finance #germany #german #bank #finanzen #expat
It's me. I'm "maybe deterred skilled workers."
I just got my #EU #BlueCard last week, after moving from the #US to #Germany at the beginning of the year. One of the primary reasons for my nice was to escape the toxic, increasingly dominant #FarRight takeover of the #UnitedStates. Of course, there's nowhere in the world right now that a #conservative movement isn't happening, but there are plenty of places better than others. Where will Germany end up on that spectrum?
#eu #bluecard #us #germany #farright #unitedstates #conservative
Ihr könnt einfach nicht genug bekommen vom CINEMARE??
Dann holt Euch die BLUE CARD!! 🌊🎥🎬
(Bitte beachtet die aufgeführten Bedingungen)
#Cinemare #Cinemare_Kiel #MeeresFilmFestival #Kiel #BlueCard #SaveTheOceans
#Cinemare #cinemare_kiel #meeresfilmfestival #kiel #bluecard #savetheoceans
Mehr Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten gewinnen
Deutschland braucht dringend Fachkräfte, denn die Zahl der offenen Stellen liegt auf einem Höchststand. Um mehr Menschen aus Ländern außerhalb der EU für eine Arbeit in Deutschland zu gewinnen, hat das Bundeskabinett Eckpunkte zur Fachkräfteeinwanderung aus Drittstaaten beschlossen.
Blaue Karte EU: http://www.bluecard-eu.eu/
#politik #wirtschaft #arbeit #fachkraeftemangel #einwanderung #legislative #bluecard
#politik #wirtschaft #arbeit #fachkraeftemangel #einwanderung #legislative #bluecard