The blue needs green
Blending finances, tailored instruments, and collaboration among various stakeholders can drive the growth of the blue economy and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for both people and the planet. #blueeconomy
The Blue Economy Development Index takes a holistic approach to coastal and marine resource use by using social, economic and environmental indicators to track changes over time at national and international levels. #blueeconomy
New DEMA Quarterly Report on The Health of The Scuba Diving Equipment Market
#scuba #scubamarketreport #blueeconomy #scubadiving #diveindustry
#scuba #scubamarketreport #blueeconomy #scubadiving #diveindustry
Recreational scuba diving training agencies do not score high with scuba divers. Tech diving agencies fare better.
#scuba #scubadiving #scubamarketreport #diveindustry #blueeconomy #diving
#scuba #scubadiving #scubamarketreport #diveindustry #blueeconomy #diving
Kelp forests are beautiful and biodiverse and very valuable for humanity. A new study has estimated that they provide services worth more than $1 trillion annually. These include food, oxygen, carbon capture, nutrient cycling, and coastal protection.
#kelpforests #ecosystemservices #blueeconomy
It's here!
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Scuba Diving: How to increase safety, save money & have more fun!
#scubadiving #scuba #diving #padi #BlueEconomy #adventure #ocean
#scubadiving #scuba #diving #padi #blueeconomy #adventure #ocean
Let's connect for dive industry insights, SURVEY RESULTS, trends, analysis, and #ScubaDiving market data & statistics =>
#scubadiving #scuba #blueeconomy #travel #tourism #diving #padi #ocean
In der neusten Episode von Ressourcen.FM tauchen wir ein in das Thema #DeepSeaMining. In knapp unter drei und halb Stunden erfahrt ihr alles wichtige (IMHO) zum aktuellen Stand bzgl dem Bergbau in der Tiefsee. Insbesondere werden die Themen (wirtschaftliches) Potential, Umweltprobleme, Lagerstätten und internationale Politik berücksichtigt.
Ich freue mich auf euer Feedback und Kritik!
#blueeconomy #deepseamining #tiefseebergbau #bergbau #mining
#deepseamining #blueeconomy #tiefseebergbau #Bergbau #mining
#Bluecarbon and the #Blueeconomy are going mainstream - we're working on this with #mangroves. But definitions and standards are not yet well established. I'm welcoming this great guideline from a coalition of organizations. Lots of thoughtful guidance and useful recommendations. A value to all of us working in this space.
Read it here-
#bluecarbon #blueeconomy #mangroves
Introduction: I'm a mathematician who builds AI products for large corporations, especially in #blueeconomy and #digitalhealth West Coast liberal type, entrepreneur, dad, musician, teller of bad jokes.
Blue economy e ZEE #zonaeconomicaesclusiva #BlackoutInside #Mediterraneo #blueeconomy #italia #zee
#zee #italia #blueeconomy #mediterraneo #blackoutinside #zonaeconomicaesclusiva
Blue economy e ZEE #zonaeconomicaesclusiva #BlackoutInside #Mediterraneo #blueeconomy #italia #zee
#zee #italia #blueeconomy #mediterraneo #blackoutinside #zonaeconomicaesclusiva