Extensibility Of U-Net Neural Network Model For Hydrographic Feature Extraction And Implications For Hydrologic Modeling
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13122368 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #Unet #featureextraction #hydrography #hydrology #water #automation #remotesensing #surfacewater #NHD #bluelines #topography #deeplearning #AI #artificialintelligence #LiDAR #ifSAR #elevation #topography #ANN #HPC #model #modeling #trainingdata #Alaska #USA #watersheds #DTM #DSM #DEM #routing #network #D8 #maps #opendata #3dep #elevation #topography #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #unet #featureextraction #hydrography #hydrology #water #automation #remotesensing #surfacewater #nhd #bluelines #topography #deeplearning #AI #artificialintelligence #lidar #ifsar #elevation #ann #hpc #model #modeling #trainingdata #alaska #USA #watersheds #dtm #dsm #dem #routing #network #d8 #Maps #opendata #3dep #usgs
Happy anniversary to Massive Attack’s debut album, ‘Blue Lines’. Released this week in 1991. #massiveattack #bluelines #daydreaming #unfinishedsympathy #safefromharm #hymnofthebigwheel #sharanelson #horaceandy
#massiveattack #bluelines #daydreaming #unfinishedsympathy #safefromharm #hymnofthebigwheel #sharanelson #HoraceAndy
Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy.
Ok, it's from 1991, not from the 80ies :) But what a tune and what a singer. This song was part of their album "Blue Lines".
#massiveattack #bluelines #unfinished #triphop
#massiveattack #bluelines #unfinished #triphop