@hrosseywanderer has anyone done genetics on breeds? Folklore is mini #Aussies mini am#shepherds brought to CA by human shepherds from #basque region. pyrBergere heritage? Now I see #bordercollies in Scotland red tricolor and your #bluemerle.
Watched a red and a black/white #bordercollie on #findhorn beach: very different behaviors. Red wanted black/white to play like #aussies play: practicing “cutting horse” moves. Black/white wanted to face down or herd. Black/white bc was all work.
#findhorn #bordercollie #bluemerle #bordercollies #basque #aussies
Merle Neapolitan mastiff mix puppies https://www.wacoca.com/pets/95798/
#3weekold #bluemerle #britishcolumbiamerle #canadamerlemastiff #dog #Inu #Mastiff #merle #merlepuppies #neapolitan #neapolitanbreed #neo #neopuppies #puppies #puppy #ナポリタン・マスティフ
#ナポリタン #puppy #puppies #neopuppies #neo #neapolitanbreed #Neapolitan #merlepuppies #merle #mastiff #inu #dog #canadamerlemastiff #britishcolumbiamerle #bluemerle #3weekold
As I head to bed, a #happy #gotchaDay to Ghost, out #tricolor #bluemerle #bordercollie. One year ago, he was smol.
#happy #gotchaday #Tricolor #bluemerle #bordercollie