Currently relistening to the version of #Blueprint by #FerryCorsten with narration.
For some reason, this part of the narration really hit me in the feels today :PleadingFace:
"Lukas always had a gift, but his parents and his classmates never saw it that way. They just thought of him as an outsider, kind and likeable, but someone who never really fit into their world."
No idea why of course. I mean, I'm sure it has nothing to do with me being #neurodivergent, #trans & #queer 😅
#blueprint #ferrycorsten #neurodivergent #trans #queer
Almost every year, when I see fennel blooming, I have to make a certain picture.
It's never the same, and it's never yet been satisfactory.
In my mind is a song, A Thousand Stars Burst Open by Pale Saints. I hear it as an image, and try to make it.
This year, this is it.
It's not satisfactory, not what I imagine. Not what I hear.
Next year, I'll try again.
#cyanotype #blueprint #fennel #AThousandStarsBurstOpen #PaleSaints #Stars #FennelFlowers #Blooming
#cyanotype #blueprint #fennel #athousandstarsburstopen #palesaints #stars #fennelflowers #blooming
Another experiment in composition with gull feathers.
This one is on a large (60 x 50cm) piece of fabulous Arches paper.
Unfortunately, it's hard to capture the richness of the blue, or the texture the paper gives. It's by far the most satisfying depth of colour... the feathers are floating either in a deep sea or in the perfect sky.
#cyanotype #blueprint #feathers #seagull #deepblue #deepbluesea #perfectsky #porto #PortoArtist #ArtisticProcess #ideas #gullfeathers #sunprint
#cyanotype #blueprint #feathers #seagull #deepblue #deepbluesea #perfectsky #porto #portoartist #artisticprocess #ideas #gullfeathers #sunprint
This is 'crumple' origami. Used a lot by French origamists 'Le CRIMP'.
Thin, crisp paper (here tracing paper) is folded and then crushed. The process allows the paper to be shaped into flexible, organic forms.
This paper was coated in cyanotype. The form I made was exposed in the sun for 10 minutes, and developed.
If I hadn't put my fingers through the wet paper it would be good!
#cyanotype #origami #blueprint #metamorphogram #sunprint #ArtFail #doh #crumpleform #CrumpledPaper #LeCrimp
#cyanotype #origami #blueprint #metamorphogram #sunprint #artfail #doh #crumpleform #crumpledpaper #lecrimp
Spirit Speederz Toy Blueprint (Remake) #TraditionalArt #ToyDesign #Blueprint
#traditionalart #toydesign #blueprint
Cyanotype can reveal beautiful detail. The 'grain' is, with the right subject, very fine indeed.
This is a rose leaf. It has been 'scarred' by the visit of a leaf miner.
Physical scars act as mnemonics etched on our bodies, which remind us of certain events.
A scar means we survived and, physically, healed.
What happens to the memory? Does it fade with the scar?
#cyanotype #blueprint #Rose #RoseLeaf #LeafMiner #details #porto #Scar #Mnemonic #Memory #PhilosophyOfMemory
#cyanotype #blueprint #rose #roseleaf #leafminer #details #porto #scar #mnemonic #memory #PhilosophyOfMemory
An example of duotone in cyanotype.
It's a bit of a cheat, as it's a double exposure.
First, I exposed eucalyptus leaves for maybe a week. This length of exposure gives the golden green colour.
No light got through the leaves, so under there was still unexposed.
Then I overlaid the whole image with vintage acetate star maps, to get a 'night sky' within the leaves.
A normal exposure kept it blue.
#cyanotype #blueprint #duotone #DoubleExposure #eucalyptus #NightSky #Stars
#cyanotype #blueprint #duotone #doubleexposure #eucalyptus #nightsky #stars
@evermorian @xantha @okayherewego Thanks! There are quite a few cyanotypists on here. Including...
#cyanotype #blueprint #artistsboostingartists #bigblue
This is the 'Spreading Hexagons' tessellation, by Eric Gjerde.
I folded it from 200gsm watercolour paper coated with cyanotype chemicals.
It sat outside almost five days.
Long exposure pushes cyanotype blue into a golden-greenish blue instead.
I like how the edges of the folds have described a multiplicity of hexagons.
Origami is cool.
#blueprint #cyanotype #hexagon #EricGjerde #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious
#blueprint #cyanotype #hexagon #ericgjerde #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious Baron Davis: Was this Charlotte Hornets ALL STAR the Blueprint for the Modern NBA Point Guard? | FPP ##allstar ##barondavis ##blueprint ##pointguard #CharlotteHornets #CharlotteHornets #EasternConference #NBA #SoutheastDivision
#allstar #barondavis #blueprint #pointguard #charlottehornets #easternconference #nba #southeastdivision
@_benui Haha! That's the big thing for me, sketching. Easy enough to code again in whatever lang once you're clear what you want. That said, there's still a lot of #Blueprint tooling missing but it's coming along (and I'm working on tools of my own too).
Sometimes you make things for sheer curiosity.
I've been trying tessellated origami forms for a while. This one is appealing as it is easy to fold and fun to play with.
I folded it from a sheet of watercolour paper coated with cyanotype.
It went outside for a day or so.
When developed, it looked like the final picture.
So now I know. Curiosity sated. Until next time.
#blueprint #cyanotype #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious
#blueprint #cyanotype #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious
@bryan_johnson it's time to activate this account. We can't see twitter anymore unless we make accounts. #blueprint
Here's what a collage of all 30 units looks like.
#cyanotype #blueprint #blueprints #origami #metamorphogram #geometricart #collage #helpmedecide #rotationalsymmetry #reflectivesymmetry #modularorigami #portoart #portoartist #composition
#cyanotype #blueprint #blueprints #origami #metamorphogram #geometricart #collage #HelpMeDecide #rotationalsymmetry #reflectivesymmetry #ModularOrigami #portoart #portoartist #composition
Four potential compositions for the 30 cyanotypes that used to be a single origami form.
Should they become a collage or... revert to form?
Let me know which one works for you.
#cyanotype #blueprint #blueprints #origami #metamorphogram #geometricart #collage #helpmedecide #rotationalsymmetry #reflectivesymmetry #modularorigami #portoart #portoartist #composition
#cyanotype #blueprint #blueprints #origami #metamorphogram #geometricart #collage #HelpMeDecide #rotationalsymmetry #reflectivesymmetry #ModularOrigami #portoart #portoartist #composition
Took the 30-unit modular origami apart and developed all the pieces into 30 similar but unique images.
30 objects which had exactly the same preparation, exactly the same form, became part of the same 'community' in the same place for the same time.
And yet, each perception differs slightly, each memory is the consequence of individual experience within that group.
But now, what?
#cyanotype #blueprint #origami #metamorphogram #unique #memory #philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #perception
#cyanotype #blueprint #origami #metamorphogram #unique #memory #philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #perception
30 Views of a June Day - work in progress.
Cyanotype-coated watercolour paper made 30 'turtle' units for this model.
It was left outside for 24 hours. It's now going to be developed and... possibly collaged or reconstructed.
Exploring ideas about how we each have unique memories of a shared experience. Variables, in this case, include our point of view and our interactions with others.
#cyanotype #origami #metamorphogram #modularorigami #blueprint #philosophy #memory #cameralessphotography
#cyanotype #origami #metamorphogram #ModularOrigami #blueprint #philosophy #memory #cameralessphotography
Trying to rebuild my art in a new country. Please share if you're in Portugal, or know anyone here.
My first workshops in Portugal!
Join me in Porto (Matosinhos) to learn how to make cyanotypes.
Os meus primeiros workshops em Portugal!
Junte-se a mim em Porto (Matosinhos0 para aprender a fazer cianótipos.
Please message me for further details.
#Porto #Matosinhos #Portugal #PortugueseArtist #Cyanotype #blueprint #ArtWorkshop #NewSkill #LearnArt #Cameraless #CameralessPhotography #Sunprinting
#porto #matosinhos #portugal #portugueseartist #cyanotype #blueprint #artworkshop #newskill #learnart #cameraless #cameralessphotography #sunprinting
The other two metamorphograms, now finished.
First was an argonaut, second a segmented shell, both designs by Japanese origami artist #TomokoFuse
I have plans for them, exploring the philosophical idea of vicarious memories. I.e. when we 'remember' our parent's early life, because they repeatedly told us about it.
#metamorphogram #cyanotype #blueprint #origami #PaperFolding #Abstract #Chaotic #chaoticart #LongExposure #Philosophy #Memory #Geometric #Angular #Shell
#tomokofuse #metamorphogram #cyanotype #blueprint #origami #paperfolding #abstract #chaotic #chaoticart #longexposure #philosophy #memory #geometric #angular #shell
The metamorphograms from a little while ago are done. They were exposed for about 4 days.
This one was the maple leaf. There are at least four distinct layers in shades of blue.
My poor folding of the stalk of the leaf is shown in all it's chaotic glory!
#metamorphogram #cyanotype #blueprint #origami #mapleLeaf #PaperFolding #Memory #Abstract #Chaotic #chaoticart #LongExposure
#metamorphogram #cyanotype #blueprint #origami #mapleleaf #paperfolding #memory #abstract #chaotic #chaoticart #longexposure