I do wonder how long this one last before it shuts down since there was a lot of controversy over the male self-insert character not so long ago.
Also, not a big fan of gacha games nowadays because, well when they shut down, you lose everything. That is the disadvantages of live services in video games.
#bluereflectionsun #videogames
【BLUE REFLECTION SUN/燦】キャラ紹介PV:森崎 アレシア 優(CV:鈴代 紗弓) https://www.wacoca.com/news/1491051/
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#美少女ゲー #美少女 #岸田メル #事前長禄中 #事前登録受付中 #事前登録 #ブルリフs #ブルリフrst #ブラウザゲーム #ブラウザゲー #ディーエムエムゲームズ #でぃーえむえむ #コーエーテクモゲームス #ucrnp_uhv8sdpz74lpslpe_w #RPG #dmmゲームズ #dmmげーむ #dmmgames公式チャンネル #dmmgames #DMM #bluereflectionsun #BLUEREFLECTIONRAY