#wacken #wacken2024 #lineup #scorpions #amonamarth #inextremo #mayhem #blindguardian #pain #beastinblack #watain #burytomorrow #bluespills #knorkator #sonatarctica #motionlessinwhite #unleashthearchers #sickofitall #thewarning #redfang #theblackdahliamurder #ankor #primordial #FlotsamAndJetsam #xandria #soil #emilbulls #violence #wolf #exumer #vreid #brutus #ignea #futurepalace #johncoffey #asagraum
#wacken #wacken2024 #LineUp #Scorpions #amonamarth #inextremo #mayhem #blindguardian #pain #beastinblack #Watain #burytomorrow #bluespills #knorkator #sonatarctica #motionlessinwhite #unleashthearchers #SickOfItAll #TheWarning #redfang #theblackdahliamurder #ankor #primordial #flotsamandjetsam #xandria #soil #emilbulls #violence #wolf #exumer #vreid #brutus #IGNEA #futurepalace #johncoffey #asagraum
Highlights from https://Last.fm of my musical listening for the week ending 2023/05/18
#happyCurrentListening #LastFM
#JessAndTheAncientOnes #Lucifer #Opeth #BluesPills #WardXVI Evanescence #FireRedEmpress #ClaudiaBrücken #Baccara #Frayle #AmericaBand
#happycurrentlistening #lastfm #jessandtheancientones #lucifer #opeth #bluespills #wardxvi #fireredempress #claudiabrucken #baccara #frayle #americaband
Highlights of my musical listening for the week ending 23 February 2023
#LastFM #happyCurrentListening
#VanessaParadis #LisaStansfield #BluesPills #TheDetroitCobras #Alunah #NenehCherry #MollieMarriott #JanivaMagness #BethHart #CassieTaylor
#lastfm #happycurrentlistening #vanessaparadis #lisastansfield #bluespills #thedetroitcobras #alunah #nenehcherry #molliemarriott #JanivaMagness #bethhart #cassietaylor
Siempre recordaré ese momento 'a cappella' de este tema en el concierto de Oporto. En primerísima fila, boquiabierta y con un nudo en la garganta. Increíble, Elin Larsson #BluesPills
@Belinun Por si no conoces este grupo. A ver si te molan #BluesPills https://yewtu.be/watch?v=7ECUPpl_12o