In Ikaria, one of Greece’s many islands, it’s common for people to remain active well into their 90s, making the region a Blue Zone, areas of the world where people regularly live longer than average. Insider explains how Ikarians naturally weave health into their daily lives:
#Culture #Greece #Lifestyle #Health #BlueZone
#culture #greece #lifestyle #health #bluezone
A new attempt at #PatternLiteracy being applied to an affordable #community #development in New York as a #BlueZone focused on replicating patterns found in communities where people live long lives.
NYTimes article:
paywall busted version:
#patternliteracy #community #development #bluezone
Hast du schon mal einen 101 jährigen auf einem Pferd reiten sehen?
Blue Zone: Nicoya-Halbinsel
Wir reisen zur Nicoya-Halbinsel an der Pazifikküste Costa Ricas und treffen dort Ramiro Guadamuz. Er ist 101 Jahre alt und sieht aus wie 70.
#3SatNano #BlueZone #Gesundheit #lebensqualität #langlebigkeit
Video 7 min
#langlebigkeit #lebensqualitat #gesundheit #bluezone #3satnano
For many people, #COP27 has left much to be desired. So long as money and profitability are dominating the conversations, CUSP fellow @smithmordak writes, we’re trapped in a Truman Show. →
#PostGrowth #Degrowth #EcologicalEconomics #BeyondGrowth #WellbeingEconomy
#ClimateChange #PostWachstum #Postcroissane #Decroissance #TrumanShow #BlueZone
#bluezone #trumanshow #decroissance #postcroissane #postwachstum #ClimateChange #wellbeingeconomy #beyondgrowth #ecologicaleconomics #degrowth #postgrowth #cop27