Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Maine Lobsterman and Olivia Rodrigo Music That Got Us Through the Week #Jezebel #mybigfatgreekwedding3 #entertainmentculture #venicefilmfestival #kadyruthashcraft #guinevereturner #chrishemsworth #bookpublishing #oliviarodrigo #jacobknowles #steveharwell #caitlincruz #bookdesign #sarahrense #tousignant #netflix #abdul #blurb #bambi #guts #i
#jezebel #mybigfatgreekwedding3 #entertainmentculture #venicefilmfestival #kadyruthashcraft #guinevereturner #chrishemsworth #BookPublishing #oliviarodrigo #jacobknowles #steveharwell #caitlincruz #bookdesign #sarahrense #tousignant #netflix #abdul #blurb #bambi #guts #i
A quick guide on privacy consent #blurb
Adding to the club is simple: just write a blurb on a blank page near the beginning of the book. You can and should make the blurb as much your own as you wish. If you're not feeling creative, you can always use the blurb from the website.
#books #reading #minimalism #minimalist #minimalistbookclub #blurb
#books #reading #minimalism #minimalist #minimalistbookclub #blurb
Hey #bookstodon , have you come across any books with misleading and / or bad blurbs? Please share!
I just finished Wole Soyinka's "Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth" and.. that book has a misleading blurb with a big spoiler. Wish I hadn't read the blurb. (Good book, though. More on that later.)
#amreading #booklove #publishing #blurb #librophile @writingcommunity @bookstodon
#bookstodon #amreading #booklove #publishing #blurb #librophile
My large book proof arrived from #blurb! Will be making my books available on the Blurb site either later today or tomorrow. #illustration #australianwildlife #cockatoos
#blurb #illustration #australianwildlife #cockatoos
Inside my book The Garden (published by Blurb books). I have loved night time gardens. My book has no text or words, just images. They call books without words “silent books”. Here you can wander in a formal garden with Alabaster the cat. Most of my illustrations start off as ink and/or pencil drawings, then edited and coloured in Pixelmator Classic.
#blurb #Blurbbooks #selfpublished #illustration
#blurb #blurbbooks #selfpublished #illustration
As promised, there is a new #blurb in progress for Late-Identified #AuDHD A Starter Workbook! Just sent it off for feedback. This is the first step in a long series that will eventually end in updates across store fronts and an updated back cover. @bookstodon @writingcommunity
Old blurb ➡️
I side my book, Bowerbirds! Published by Blurb books. I have some goodie bags on my Kofi and Etsy sites! #bowerbirds #blurb #selfpublishing #kofi #etsy
#bowerbirds #blurb #selfpublishing #kofi #etsy
All right. I finally wrote up a description for Earth that feels honest and hopefully a little... interesting? What do you think?
(I needed to put it into a screenshot, it's too long for a post.)
#authorlife #workinprogress #blurb #writingcommunity
Whatever the old adage might warn, there is a bit of merit to judging a #book by its cover. Consider the #blurb, one of the most pervasive, longest-running - and, at times, controversial - tools in the #publishing industry.
For such a curious word, the term "blurb" has amassed a number of #meanings in the decades since it worked its way into our vocabulary, but lately it has referred to just one thing: a bylined #endorsement from a fellow writer ...
#book #blurb #publishing #meanings #endorsement
#Book #Blurb: "This book will change your life! It will get inside your head. You will never be the same again! After reading this you will quit your job and become a travelling hippy. It will eat away at your insides until there is nothing left. You will want to vomit through your eyeballs until your ears puff up like lemons. It will turn your entire world upside down and you will question EVERYTHIIIIIIIING!!!!!!"
90 pages in you begin to suspect you've been lied to.
@ericjwrites What you wrote feels like a note to yourself about what you want to write. Pick a spectacular scene or a conflict from the #novel and write your #blurb to seem compelling, so a potential reader can empathize with a character's plight. You don't have to describe what the story is about, but don't mislead, either.
Here's an blurb from a story of mine that gives a good idea of what to expect both from the character and the content:
Windsprint is still an ensign in the navy after a 4-years full-enlistment. Handicapped, she is ready to accept discharge and leave the country forever when she is given command of the Eagle's Stoop—a museum piece with a maintenance crew and a dragon XO. Her mission: Save Cloud City!
I don't know your story, but here's something I ginned up:
Enslaved, Baromire runs from Helva's plantations to Dormir. When a dragon dive-bombs him and a redheaded vixen mage saves him, only to start carving runes into his skin so he can cast magic alongside her, he worries he may have made the wrong decision. When her curse drives her to destroy the Logosia province using his new-found magic, he realizes he must save her to save himself!
(Boost if you think others would find this useful.)
#novel #blurb #writing #cover #jacketblurb
Sixty Symbols
ChatGPT does Physics
#SixtySymbols #PhilipMoriarty #blurb #ChatGPT #code #GCSE #interpretation #intuition #nebulous #offByFactor10 #physics #PythonCode #reasoning #rightAnswerForWrongReason
#sixtysymbols #philipmoriarty #blurb #chatgpt #code #gcse #interpretation #intuition #nebulous #offbyfactor10 #physics #pythoncode #reasoning #rightanswerforwrongreason
Hey #writingcommunity fam! I need some networking assistance. If you're a published author interested in cover-blurbing for a YA fantasy involving an island nation, enemies to lovers, & a senile dragon, give me a shout, please. Let's collaborate! (Photos from Pexels.)
#author #writersofmastodon #authorconnections #yafantasy #fantasy #coverblurb #blurb #networking
#writingcommunity #author #writersofmastodon #authorconnections #YAFantasy #fantasy #coverblurb #blurb #networking
Part 3:
This is book four in the epic fantasy series Winds of Destiny. If you enjoy a story with a magic-wielder growing into her powers, more twists than a quaking snake, and a found family, you will love “North Shatters”.
Buy this book today and discover a clever bear rather than a clever mule.
What do you think?
#writingcommunity #bookdescription #blurb
Part 2:
Out in the icy lands beyond North Wall, North and Varden struggle to survive. Soon, North falls in love with the handsome, green-eyed Priest who has risked his life for her, even as she sees his gruesome death in a shattering vision.
How can North even go on without Varden?
#writingcommunity #bookdescription #blurb
Always a tricky thing, these descriptions. Here's my current attempt for "North Shatters", Winds of Destiny Book 3:
North Deer won’t fight her destiny. But someone else will.
Every Wind dies on top of their pyramid when they turn twenty-five, and North is no exception. She embraces her duty to give her life for the good of the Empire. So why is a Priest spiriting her away in the middle of the night?
Next up is Migrations, by Charlotte McConaghy. It's set in #Greenland (or starts there at least) and involves migrating #ArcticTerns. But according to the #blurb it also features a devastating crime and dark secrets. So I'm intrigued!
#Greenland #ArcticTerns #blurb #books #bookstodon #reading #nextread #BookToot