I am basically ready to accept #blurring, where it serves as a means of artistic design, in photos.
In everyday life, we ourselves - without noticing it - often think real scenes that we see beautifully by "#hiding" what we don't like about them or what we don't want to bear. We "crop" them in our thoughts, so to speak. At least we look intentionally "out of focus" only.
( ... but what I don't want to have to endure are unironed T-shirts.
So I will cut it off 🤓 )
Congrats to folks on my team who added #blurring as an option to #Google #search for #explicit imagery.
Now you have a third choice in how explicit imagery appears in search results.
With this new #SafeSearch settings, results containing explicit imagery will still appear on the search results page, but they will be blurred out.
You can still click through to see the result, or turn off this blurring.
#blurring #google #search #explicit #safesearch
“Het werd duidelijk dat er ook nog op een ander bord werd gespeeld”, zegt Ninette van Hasselt van het #Trimbos. “Partijen die belang hebben bij alcoholverkoop bleven lobbyen tegen maatregelen die nodig zijn om de doelen van het akkoord te behalen. Hoe ga je meters maken met zoveel lobbykracht vanuit de commerciële partijen?”
Arts Takkenberg zag het ook: de industrie vertraagde en traineerde, met korte lijntjes tussen de industrie en de #VVD.
#blurring #alcohol #lobby
#trimbos #vvd #blurring #alcohol #lobby
This is all sorts of wrong, but I really quite like it
#blurring #morning #outside #nikonphotography
#blurring #morning #outside #nikonphotography
@mariapopova There's no #algorithm or #AI working in the #fediverse and on #mastodon. This #blurring is a consequence of overloaded servers, because the rush of new accounts is immense and Ex-Birdies in the text-oriented Mastodon suddenly post loads of #photos. This puts a strain on the instances. You see the photo when it loaded completely.
Blurring with CW is always marked separately and is only done by users themselves! Here are no #algorithms, that's the difference to 🐦 !
#algorithms #photos #blurring #mastodon #fediverse #ai #algorithm