What with the Yandex leak showing us that BM25 is more important than tf*idf (boo to all those SEO content editing tools that promote all that tf*idf 'magic bullet' bollox) it's worth brushing up on a few search engine basics.
It's an oldish article (not that it matters in this case) but here, Lan Chu does a really great job of breaking down term-based retrieval methods in information retrieval.
If this is your bag, give it a read.
"Practical BM25": a 3-part blog series, by Elastic.
Makes you only wonder more why IR is still not considered part of the canonical BSc CS programme.
Part 1: https://www.elastic.co/blog/practical-bm25-part-1-how-shards-affect-relevance-scoring-in-elasticsearch
Part 2: https://www.elastic.co/blog/practical-bm25-part-2-the-bm25-algorithm-and-its-variables
Part 3: https://www.elastic.co/blog/practical-bm25-part-3-considerations-for-picking-b-and-k1-in-elasticsearch