Nächster Vergleichsaufbau. Temperatur/Feuchte
#BME280 (nur noch wegen der rel. Feuchte im Rennen).
Nicht-kalibriertes HM40 als Referenz
Für meine Zwecke wird's der #BMP085 wohl tun - Luftdruck passt so ziemlich mit Korrekturfaktor. Faszinierend, was so billige Sensoren und µC zu leisten vermögen.
Let's join @frankdelporte on Foojay :foojay: Today, and read the temperature, humidity, and pressure from a #BME280 Sensor with #Java, @pi4j, I2C, SPI, and @jbangdev on a @Raspberry_Pi!
Whilst failing to find a micro SD car reader I did find a little bag of what I thought were #bme280 sensors that read temperature, humidity, and pressure.
Apparently I'd failed to get these working before as a couple has wires soldered on.
So I solder it together with an #esp8266 and install #espHome and it fails to recognise the sensor saying it has the wrong ID. Turns out they are #bmp280 which do temperature and pressure only.
Less useful but now I have another temperature sensor!
#bmp280 #esphome #esp8266 #bme280
I have been experimenting with a #BME280 sensor to read the temperature, pressure, and humidity using #Java, @pi4j, @jbangdev, and @Raspberry_Pi.
The documentation is here:
And I explained everything in this video:
#bme280 #java #javaonraspberrypi
Raspberry Pi Weather Station Features Wireless Sensor Nodes https://hackaday.com/2023/02/11/raspberry-pi-weather-station-features-wireless-sensor-nodes/ #weatherforecast #WirelessHacks #weatheralert #RaspberryPi #raspberrypi #temperature #raspberry #forecast #humidity #weather #bme280 #ESP32
#WirelessHacks #weatheralert #RaspberryPi #temperature #raspberry #forecast #humidity #weather #bme280 #ESP32 #weatherforecast
Raspberry Pi Weather Station Features Wireless Sensor Nodes - Online weather services are great for providing generic area forecasts, but they d... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/11/raspberry-pi-weather-station-features-wireless-sensor-nodes/ #weatherforecast #wirelesshacks #weatheralert #raspberrypi #temperature #raspberry #forecast #humidity #weather #bme280 #esp32
#esp32 #bme280 #weather #humidity #forecast #raspberry #temperature #raspberrypi #weatheralert #wirelesshacks #weatherforecast
ich habe mir ja eine kleine #Wetterstation aus einem #raspberrypi3b und zwei Sensoren (#bme280 und einen für die Außentemperatur) gebastelt. Hier kommen die Messwerte (Innen-/Außentemperatur) für 2022:
#wetterstation #raspberrypi3b #bme280
It's been almost two weeks since I posted about my #BME280 data logger. Right now, all the logging it can do is to just dump out the raw measurements via #UART. :) I left it running, and it collected 17079 samples at 1 sample/min. That is 11.86 days.
I still like the pressure graph the most. The nearly 5.5hPa drop in a day is because of the big #storm that got here yesterday. It's a rainy storm, which is why you can see it on the humidity graph as well. #electronics
#electronics #storm #uart #bme280
So, what am I making? I'm building a BME280-based temp/pressure/humidity logger. I know I'm not the first and won't be the last.
Once a minute, the #ATmega48 gets the current measurements from the #BME280 via SPI and dumps the raw 8-byte measurement to the serial port. The next step is to make it log the data to an SPI flash as well.
For example, the measurement '5428007e8e004a95' translates to 19.386 degC, 1015.645 hPa, 33.671%rh.
funny games with #esp8266 #bme280 and #3dprinting.
made two temperature and humidity displays for our bedroom and office today.
looks okayish enough for me.
#esp8266 #bme280 #3dprinting #esphome #nodemcu
Hab heute gebastelt.
N #Raspberrypi pico mit nem #bme680 und nem #bme280 und dann die Werte verglichen.
Was soll ich sagen?
Die Werte weichen teils so stark voneinander ab, dass das auch nicht durch die angegebene Toleranz erklärbar ist.
Irgendwie doof :(
Hat da jemand nen Tipp vlt noch?
Mache das ganze mit #MicroPython
#micropython #bme280 #bme680 #raspberrypi
Playing around with #arduinocloud and the #bme280 sensor 🙂
The sensor reads Temperature, Humidity and Pressure, and fairly accurate at that, so it’s a really simple way to quickly set up an indoor climate monitor 🙂
#arduino #indoorclimate #climatecontrol #climatemonitoring #electronics #electronicsengineering
#arduinocloud #bme280 #arduino #indoorclimate #climatecontrol #climatemonitoring #electronics #electronicsengineering
Ein Skript, das beim Aufrufen im Terminal nur den #bme280 - Sensor ausliest und die Daten ausgibt, konnte ich aber so ergänzen, dass eine .csv - Datei geöffnet wird, die Daten ergänzend hineingeschrieben werden und die Datei wieder geschlossen geschlossen wird. Dieses Skript wird nun als #cron - Job alle fünf Minuten auf dem #raspberry3 ausgeführt. Und das läuft.
#PineCone #BL602 @ThePine64 tested OK with #BME280 over #SPI ... Here's the wiring that doesn't light up the WiFi LED 💡
Logic Analyser captures SPI Data between #BusPirate and #BME280 ... So cool! 🤩 Now to capture #BL602 + BME280 and compare