Trying to get a basic IAQ reading using a #bme680 and a #badger2040 is doing my noggin in. I found some sample code by @jankmammal but can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong with the Gas Resistance measures (which never top 10 for me, sitting in my apartment)
Another thing that surprised me was that this afternoon the #BME680’s CO2 equivalent readings reached way over 1000ppm, peaking at about 1800ppm and staying above 1500ppm for several hours. 1000ppm CO2 indoors is the threshold most sensor appliances use to notify the user that they should open a window to decrease the concentration. Well, bad luck in the winter, in the city 🎶 (I’m sorry, Joe Cocker). #EnvironmentalSensors #CO2 #BadPopculturalReferences
#bme680 #environmentalsensors #co2 #badpopculturalreferences
@nuron so sieht das Ergebnis meiner 4x BME680 aus.
Kalibriert bei Raumtemperatur - alle 4 nahe bei einander fĂĽr 1 Stunde und anschlieĂźend das Delta relativ zu einem DS18B20 gebildet. FĂĽr einen Zuluft vs. Abluft relativ brauchbar
#Grafana #Vallox #BME680 #RP2040
#grafana #vallox #bme680 #rp2040
I have a Bosch #BME680 at an #ESP 8266 outside that offers Air Quality Monitoring - #AQI.
They reach values of >200 with lowest values i have see after rain being down to 80.
The internet claims values over 200 are really bad - anyone any experience with those sensors outside? What does your sensors show? #AitQuality #AirQualityMonitoring #Rotterdam
#bme680 #esp #aqi #aitquality #airqualitymonitoring #rotterdam
@nuron @HennTeck
Habe heute auch mit dem #rp2040 und 4x #bme680 etwas rumprobiert.
Per I2C an verschiedenen Pins und sequentiell i2c.deinit() geht dies trotz gleicher I2C Adresse.
Bzgl. Toleranzen/ Varianzen sehe Ich auch Unterschiede.
Am Ende des Tages ist immer die Frage, fĂĽr welchen Usercase eine bestimmte Toleranz notwendig ist.
Unangenehme Lösung: Kalibrierung mit teurem Referenz Labor Sensoren über den zu erwartenden Umgebungsbedingungen.
Hab heute gebastelt.
N #Raspberrypi pico mit nem #bme680 und nem #bme280 und dann die Werte verglichen.
Was soll ich sagen?
Die Werte weichen teils so stark voneinander ab, dass das auch nicht durch die angegebene Toleranz erklärbar ist.
Irgendwie doof :(
Hat da jemand nen Tipp vlt noch?
Mache das ganze mit #MicroPython
#micropython #bme280 #bme680 #raspberrypi
Essais de la #PybStick #ESP32C3 de Garatronic : Serveur web microPython sur l'ESP avec un #BME680 pour lire les données (T,H,P, G Les données sont affichées toutes les 5 sec. sur une page web La #LED clignote en bleu lors de la lecture. Au démarrage LED Rouge tant que la connexion avec la box n'est pas établie
#PybStick #esp32c3 #bme680 #led
Adafruit and Raspberry Pi parts monitor building materials on the Space Station #ISS #Space #PiDay @Raspberry_Pi @adafruit #raspberrypizero #raspberrypi #experiment #habitats #science #sensors #bme680 #space #mars #moon #nasa #iss
#iss #space #piday #raspberrypizero #raspberrypi #experiment #habitats #science #sensors #bme680 #mars #moon #nasa
No thread, just placing delays and measure how long the other functions take... I have an iAQ acc of 1 :) #BME680
oh fuck everything. I found the solution. The solution sucks. Have to use interrupts now or something like this. god damn it. an #BME680 will never get an good Acc, if you run a bigger single-threaded loop where you don't have the excact timing.
shoudn't the sensor aqcuire new data automatically, independent of data queries? And so... should improve the acc automatically? I overlook something very crucial here. #BME680
My #BME680 doesn't aqui... aqcu... acquire an iAQ Accuracy of more than 0. I don't understand why. In continuous mode it has an ACC of 1 after minutes. But in my program it's still at 0 after multipe days.