#FactOfTheDay: The U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate of all affluent countries. Learn more about the problem and what can be done: https://www.prb.org/resources/maternal-death-among-u-s-black-women/ #BMHW23 #MaternalMortality #PregnancyRelatedDeath #LastLullabye #Racism #StructuralRacism #Healthcare #SDoH #MedMastodon @medmastodon
#factoftheday #bmhw23 #maternalmortality #pregnancyrelateddeath #lastlullabye #racism #structuralracism #healthcare #SDOH #MedMastodon
#FactOfTheDay: Most pregnancy-related deaths in the United States are preventable (84% preventable according to recent research). Learn more about the problem and what can be done: https://www.prb.org/resources/maternal-death-among-u-s-black-women/ #BMHW23 #MaternalMortality #PregnancyRelatedDeath #LastLullabye #Racism #StructuralRacism #Healthcare #SDoH #MedMastodon @medmastodon
#factoftheday #bmhw23 #maternalmortality #pregnancyrelateddeath #lastlullabye #racism #structuralracism #healthcare #SDOH #MedMastodon
#FactOfTheDay: Black women were 5X more likely to die from postpartum cardiomyopathy (a form of heart failure) and preeclampsia and eclampsia (blood pressure disorders) than white women, according to 2016-2017 data. Learn more about the problem and what can be done: https://www.prb.org/resources/maternal-death-among-u-s-black-women/ #BMHW23 #MaternalMortality #PregnancyRelatedDeath #LastLullabye #Racism #StructuralRacism #Healthcare #SDoH #MedMastodon @medmastodon
#factoftheday #bmhw23 #maternalmortality #pregnancyrelateddeath #lastlullabye #racism #structuralracism #healthcare #SDOH #MedMastodon
#FactOfTheDay: A Black woman in the United States is 3.5 times more likely to die in pregnancy or postpartum than her white peer. Learn more about the problem and what can be done: https://www.prb.org/resources/maternal-death-among-u-s-black-women/ #BMHW23 #MaternalMortality #PregnancyRelatedDeath #LastLullabye #Racism #StructuralRacism #Healthcare #SDoH #MedMastodon @medmastodon
#factoftheday #bmhw23 #maternalmortality #pregnancyrelateddeath #lastlullabye #racism #structuralracism #healthcare #SDOH #MedMastodon
📣 EVENT announcement from The Children's Partnership
Protecting Black Children’s Health Through Community-Led Healing
April 12 at noon (pacific)
Details: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/livestream-protecting-black-childrens-health-through-community-led-healing-tickets-594943862107
#BMHW23 #ChildHealth #SDoH