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#Kenceng #Magelang #Kerasa #Tuban #632Km #6.6SR #Jogja #Bima #Sukabumi #Bali #Innalillahi #bandung #malang #wonosobo #BMKG #indonesia #medan #makasar #aceh
#kenceng #magelang #kerasa #tuban #632km #jogja #bima #sukabumi #bali #innalillahi #bandung #malang #wonosobo #bmkg #indonesia #medan #makasar #aceh
Schweres Erdbeben in Indonesien
In #Indonesien hat sich ein schweres Erdbeben ereignet. Die US-Erdbebenwarte (#USGS) gab die Stärke mit 7,6 an. Die indonesische Behörde #BMKG schätzte die Stärke auf 7,9. Die indonesischen Behörden gaben eine Tsunami-Warnung heraus. Der Erdbebenherd lag unter dem Meeresboden etwa 350 Kilometer nordöstlich von Osttimor.
President Jokowi and DPR Commission VII side with BMKG on BRIN weather forecast controversy
President Jokowi has advised the public to follow weather advice from the country's meteorological agency, BMKG, following the controversial weather announcement from BRIN climate researcher Dr. Erma Yulihastin on Twitter several days ago.
Dr. Erma shared her forecast on her Twitter account the day after Christmas, warning the public of an extreme rainfall and fierce storm on the 28th with Banten, Jakarta, and Bekasi being at the center of it.
The BMKG immediately refuted Dr. Erma's predictions, saying that they expect extreme weather on the 30th but there would be no storm or extreme rainfall on the 28th. Dr. Erma's warnings never came to pass on the 28th, nor the 29th.
While the DPR summoned both the BMKG and BRIN to explain the situation, DPR Commission VII member Mulyanto (PKS) said BRIN has no authority to make such announcements and that Dr. Erma had overstepped her bounds by publishing a weather warning.
BRIN, supervised by former President Megawati Soekarnoputri, has been at the center of several controversial decisions following its inception as it absorbed and shuttered multiple respected research agencies.
#indonesia #news #brin #bmkg #weather
stay safe... #indonesia #Gempa
#Gempa Mag:6.1, 08-Dec-2022 07:50:57WIB, Lok:7.11LS, 106.99BT (22 km Tenggara KOTA-SUKABUMI-JABAR), Kedlmn:104 Km #BMKG
Disclaimer:Dlm bbrp menit pertama stlh gmp,parameter gmp dapat berubah dan boleh jadi blm akurat,kecuali tlh dianalisis ulang seismologist
this is quite massive earthquake. 😭
hopefully my friends okay...
#Gempa Mag:6.4, 06-Dec-2022 13:07:47WIB, Lok:10.86LS, 113.41BT (297 km BaratDaya JEMBER-JATIM), Kedlmn:10 Km #BMKG
Disclaimer:Dlm bbrp menit pertama stlh gmp,parameter gmp dapat berubah dan boleh jadi blm akurat,kecuali tlh dianalisis ulang seismologist
@fauzanalfi Info Gempa Mag:6.4, 03-Des-22 16:49:41 WIB, Lok:7.51 LS,107.52 BT (52 km BaratDaya KAB-GARUT-JABAR), Kedlmn:118 Km ::BMKG
Info Gempa Mag:6.4, 03-Des-22 16:49:41 WIB, Lok:7.51 LS,107.52 BT (52 km BaratDaya KAB-GARUT-JABAR), Kedlmn:118 Km ::BMKG
Eits jangan panik, Sobat! Dalam keadaan apapun #SobatBMKG harus tetap tenang namun waspada, ya!😎
Kira-kira dos and don’ts apa aja sih yg harus diperhatikan saat terjadi gempa di lantai atas? Yuk simak dan ikutin tips di video ini😁
#mitigasigempa #gempa #bmkg #sobatbmkg
Here's the epicentre of that earthquake that hit Java.
RT @infoBMKG
#Gempa Mag:5.6, 21-Nov-22 13:21:10 WIB, Lok:6.84 LS,107.05 BT (10 km BaratDaya KAB-CIANJUR-JABAR), Kedlmn:10 Km, tdk berpotensi tsunami #BMKG
Gempa Mag:5.6, 21-Nov-22 13:21:10 WIB, Lok:6.84 LS,107.05 BT (10 km BaratDaya KAB-CIANJUR-JABAR), Kedlmn:10 Km, tdk berpotensi tsunami #BMKG
Pantesan Jakarta berasa banget, deket.
#Gempa Magnitudo: 5.6, Kedalaman: 10 km, 21 Nov 2022 13:21:10 WIB, Koordinat: 6.84 LS-107.05 BT (10 km BaratDaya KAB-CIANJUR-JABAR), Tidak berpotensi tsunami #BMKG