Whilst failing to find a micro SD car reader I did find a little bag of what I thought were #bme280 sensors that read temperature, humidity, and pressure.
Apparently I'd failed to get these working before as a couple has wires soldered on.
So I solder it together with an #esp8266 and install #espHome and it fails to recognise the sensor saying it has the wrong ID. Turns out they are #bmp280 which do temperature and pressure only.
Less useful but now I have another temperature sensor!
#bmp280 #esphome #esp8266 #bme280
I spent the afternoon building a little temp sensor for my #homelab using a #ESP8266 #Wemos D1 mini and #BMP280 temp sensor. #ESPHome made it a breeze to get the board configured and pushing data to #Influxdb so I could chart it in #grafana.
Eventually I'd like to get this running off a #LiFePO4 battery, and maybe onto a PCB. Would love to have these all over the house.
How hot does your homelab run?
Writeup: https://bwiggs.com/posts/2022-11-23-homelab-temp-sensor/
#homelab #esp8266 #wemos #bmp280 #esphome #influxdb #grafana #lifepo4
I managed to do a quick experiment with #mbed and created a #bluetoothlowenergy thermometer with ##nrf52 and #bmp280
#bluetoothlowenergy #mbed #nrf52 #bmp280
I'm well chuffed with the temperature monitoring system I've built using a bunch of #esp8266 #bmp280 reliably reporting to #Thingspeak.
Next steps are to move data collection to #GoogleCloudPlatform - Thingspeak is a bit limited, but it got me off the ground.
#esp8266 #bmp280 #thingspeak #iot #things #maker #googlecloudplatform