The president for research at #SpringerNature defends transformative agreements (aka #ReadAndPublish agreements) without confronting any of the serious objections to them.
For some of the serious objections to them, see e.g. the Budapest Open Access Initiative 20th anniversary statement, esp Recommendation 4 ("move away from read-and-publish agreements"). Disclosure: I helped write these objections.
#BOAI20 #boai #readAndPublish #SpringerNature
See the #BOAI20, Recommendations 3 & 3.7: "We recommend moving away from article processing charges (#APCs). Viable alternatives have long existed, but they are systematically under-noticed, under-discussed, under-appreciated, under-funded, and under-used…Shifting resources from APC-based OA to #green & #diamond OA will enfranchise more voices in global research without reducing the quality or openness of research."
#diamond #green #boai #diamondoa #greenOA #APCs #BOAI20
Those are the two largest reasons. For several others that are smaller or less direct, see the Budapest Open Access Initiative 20th anniversary recommendations, Recommendation 3 (and its 13 sub-points).
Update. Note that a year ago this month the Budapest Open Access Initiative 20th anniversary recommendations came to the same conclusions on #APCs and #ReadAndPublish agreements. (See the final two recommendations.)
#BOAI20 #boai #readAndPublish #APCs
Update. Remember this from the Budapest Open Access Initiative 20th anniversary recommendations (section 3.2): "The opacity of APCs supports APC inflation and payments far in excess of services rendered."
Hear hear. For more arguments against transformative agreements, see Recommendation 4 of the Budapest Open Access Initiative 20th anniversary recommendations.
Today is the 21st birthday of the Budapest Open Access Initiative…
…and the first birthday of its 20th anniversary recommendations.
I'm proud of my association with both.
Happy #Valentine's Day to all who are working for #OpenAccess worldwide.
#BOAI20 #boai #openaccess #valentine
@darmont @mart1oeil après il y a gold et gold : certains modèles de gold étaient nativement "fair", avec des APC correspondant à une juste rétribution des coûts éditoriaux.
Le pire sont les modèles de Pay to Open des grands éditeurs appliqués à des revues qui restent hybrides. D'ailleurs le thésaurus de la SO n'est pas clair sur l'hybride qui est intégré dans la définition du gold comme sous-genre. C'est à mon sens une erreur.
Le Gold historique pensé par #BOAI = revues entièrement #openaccess
@meliimming @waltcrawford @sennoma
No, "green" & "gold" were introduced together.
The Feb 2002 Budapest Open Access Initiative (#BOAI) distinguished the two paths to OA but didn't give them names. The terms were introduced as insider shorthand to facilitate talk about the two paths.
In my view — even taking into account my memories of the early days when the terms were new — they're arbitrary, like up quark & down quark. There's nothing green about green OA & nothing gold about gold OA.