Ich bin mal gespannt wie die Brettspieladaption von Guilty Gear wird. Yomi hatte damals ein wohl ähnliches Konzept versucht und ist damals leider an mit vorbei gegangen. #gultygear #boardgame # Kickstarter
Very excited about this #Kickstarter. It's a cooperative #boardgame, the vibe is "Pandemic meets FTL" and if that's not a winning combo, I don't know what is.
It's also going to be released under CC BY-SA 4.0, so if you can't afford to buy in, you can legally download and print it at home.
Tiens par contre, joueurs•euses de #Boardgame, y’a quoi en jeu de 4X médieval pas dégueu en VF ?
Bizarrement à chaque fois j’ai l’impression que ça tape plutôt côté SF.
And the last one for today was "escape from the dark castle" which I didn't like at all. It is a make your own adventure type game with dice based monster battling and items. It is completely random whether you win or not and felt way too luck based. The art was fun and different though, all done in ink pen.
#insomniagamingfestival #i71 #boardgames #rpg's #tabletopgames #boardgame
#insomniagamingfestival #i71 #boardgames #rpg #tabletopgames #boardgame
The Internet is down so we are on round two of our 4th game, round 2. This time it's king of Tokyo. Nice that it is so fast snd simple and the dice feel great!
#i71 #InsomniaLan #insomniagamingfestival #boardgames #tabletopgames #boardgame
#i71 #insomnialan #insomniagamingfestival #boardgames #tabletopgames #boardgame
Played 3 boardgames at insomnia so far. "Brew" which is like a worker placement type game and right up my street really liked it and the art is gorgeous, but I feel like I have a fair few games like that already. Then "echidna" which was cute and I liked for it's simplicity. The last one was "splendour" marvel edition but we ignored the modifications.
#insomniagamingfestival #i71 #boardgames #boardgame #tabletopgames
#insomniagamingfestival #i71 #boardgames #boardgame #tabletopgames
My #BGstats #boardgame plays for August 2023
5 #boardgames new for me brings my total titles logged closer to 1000. It’s not a perfect metric as some games get lumped into one entry on #BGG and others have multiple entries for essentially the same game. Lots of game were played before I started logging my games plays way back in 2007 so the total is higher than 1k. But I’ll celebrate anyway.
#bgstats #boardgame #boardgames #bgg
Check out our text review for the brand new worker placement, set collection game, Blacksmiths of Steinnheimr.
#BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #RuneshieldGames
#runeshieldgames #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames
A highlight of the wargame area of #PacificonGameeXpo is the raffle on Sunday night.
#boardgame publishers, designers, and kind gamers donate #boardgames as prizes.
Gamers get raffle tickets by playing games. The more and longer you play, the more tickets you get. Put the ticket is the cup for the game/games that you want to win. Hopefully your ticket will be drawn by con boss Gabe!
#pacificongameexpo #boardgame #boardgames #hexesforever #tabletopgames
Ce soir je teste Hamlet de Grrre Games.
Les 5 premiers tours de tables sont pour le moment flous, confus.
L'effet chargé des visuels n'aide vraiment pas en plus...
Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar: Finished!
Racing a band of mercenaries and an exploding volcano in a desperate bid to save the dinos of Isla Nublar.
#GameNight #BoardGame #JurassicPark #JurassicWorldTheLegacyOfIslaNublar
#gamenight #boardgame #jurassicpark #jurassicworldthelegacyofislanublar
Ok #boardgame nerds. We have a few BGs but we also have cats and not many areas in the house to play. If we don’t finish a game in one night I’d like to leave the game out, cards/pieces where they are, and pick things up the next day. However the cats will get up on the table and knock pieces or cards out of place. Is there something like.. um, a playing surface with like a clip down cover or something, like a giant shallow Tupperware dish, so that we can protect the game - or jigsaw for that matter - from being buggered up by the cats?
Heute mit der zweiten Staffel #CthulhuDeathMayDie begonnen. Nach einem lockeren Start gewannen die dunklen Jungen schnell die Überhand, gegen deren massiven Angriff keine Chance blieb.
#cthulhudeathmaydie #boardgame #cthulhu #lovecraft
Our last #BoardGame of the day was Wreck Raiders. This is a dice allocation, worker placement, tile drafting, point salary game that combines several mechanisms to come up with about a dozen ways to score points with a theme of divers searching wrecks for treasures and building aquariums of exotic animals.
Very late to the party. Today, we played our first #ArkhamHorror #cardgame scenario and won it by a whisker. Honestly, the game system is rather clunky, but I like it anyway. I think with a cheat sheet and more experience it will be far more approachable. In my opinion, it's far more exciting and thrilling than #MansionsofMadness. I still prefer #ttrpg, but we enjoyed this game quite a bit.
TL;DR: We want more!
#Mythos #Horror #Lovecraft #recommended #boardgame #LCG #FFG #Cthulhu #Coc #TOC
#ArkhamHorror #cardgame #mansionsofmadness #ttrpg #mythos #horror #lovecraft #recommended #boardgame #lcg #FFG #cthulhu #CoC #toc
Les parties de #jds du week-end :
🟡 Yu-Gi-Oh : decks "Obélisque le Tourmenteur" vs "Stifler"
🟢 Pokémon : decks "Mewtwo GX" vs "Palarticho"
🟡 HeroRealms : decks "Voleur" vs "Guerrier" avec booster "Périples voyageurs"
#j2s #boardgame #boardgames #jeudesociete #jeuxdesociete #jds
My first foray into creating a #BoardGame insert using #FoamCore. Takes a bit of headscratching to work out how to set things out but I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. As well as looking tidier, getting rid of the plastic baggies should also greatly improve setup and teardown times.
Got to play Liberation by Button Shy Games last night.
I played as the Dynasty and took me a bit to understand the game/strategy for some reason, but…surprisingly, a fun little game! Kind of replicates the feel of #StarWarsRebellion but only uses 18 cards and plays in way less time!
#starwarsrebellion #boardgames #boardgame
Oh no, it's an ambush! ⚔️ New action card illustration for our #boardgame. Can't wait for more 🤩