#boardgames played in August. Most of them were played in #boardgamearena because of the addition of a game daily, in which case I only logged one or two plays. The most interesting ones for me were the abstract games: Yoxii, Turncoats and Lielow. In the filler category, I think that Setup, Cubirds and DogLover are good small games. For me, the deceptions are Evergreen and Canvas, maybe because of the hype, but I think that there are better games in the category of beautiful drafting games.
If you're a fan of #Canvas it is now playable on #BoardGameArena
If you haven't seen Canvas, check out my written review and How To Play video at the links below.
#gaming #tabletopgames #boardgame #boardgames #boardgamearena #canvas
#UneBonneIdeePourBienCommencerLaJournee ➡️ faire le plein de #J2S incontournables en ligne : #Catan #TicketToRide #7Wonders #Splendor #Azul... avec la plateforme #BoardgameArena @BoardGameArena
Lien #Jeu ⤵️
#UneBonneIdeePourBienCommencerLaJournee #j2s #catan #tickettoride #7wonders #splendor #azul #boardgamearena #jeu
Sehr faul heute, und zwar so halb ungut faul. Ein paar Sachen stehen noch an: bissl Sport machen (und gucken), kleiner Einkauf, abends vielleicht ein, zwei Runden #BoardGameArena? (im Stream? 🤔)
Two seats left for this game of Astra on #BoardGameArena. Hop in! https://boardgamearena.com/table?table=396214299
I've been playng Applejack on Board Game Arena for weeks, and just learned last night that I was entirely wrong about how it is played. Now that I know what I'm doing, anybody want to play? 😄 #BoardGameArena
Gisteren Earth gespeeld voor de 1ste maal. En dit komt los mijn top 10 binnen #topspel #boardgames ook te vinden op #boardgamearena
#topspel #boardgames #boardgamearena
1 van de releases waar ik enorm naar uitkijk is #villagers ( nu al te spelen op #boardgamearena)
It feels like I’ve played more games on #BoardGameArena this week than I have in all the time before this week. I’m really enjoying it. Some games I mentally do better at asynchronously. But there’s so many in there to choose from it’s not too hard to find a good game.
Whyyyy is Board Game Arena so laggy in my tablet's browser all of a sudden? It's fine on my laptop. #BoardGames #BoardGameArena #BGA
#boardgames #boardgamearena #bga
I like #Obsession (aka. #DowntonAbbey, the #boardgame).
👍 The turns are quick, the game in total is almost too short (I always play the long variant on #BoardGameArena); point salad in the end, for better or worse.
🆗 The presentation is almost a bit mundane; the setup/maintenance (not relevant on BGA) seems not too elegant.
But: *dripping with theme*, as many reviews say? Not sure I agree. Theme is there (and supports the rules) but I feel no “drama.”
⭐ 8.0
#Brettspiele #review #BoardGames #boardgamearena #boardgame #downtonabbey #obsession
My first evening of gaming with faraway friends on Board Game Arena was fun, but I'm so out of the habit of socializing that I feel hungover today. Still can't wait to do it again, though. #BoardGameArena
Etwas verspäteter #Brettspielmonatsbericht vom Februar :)
Habe mit der Frau #Dorfromantik entdeckt. Da hatten wir sehr zweigeteilte Meinungen gehört. Es ist weder strategisch tief, noch kann man sagen, dass es eigentlich nichts mehr als ein solo lege Spiel ist.
Aber nach einem anstrengenden Tag zu zweit in der Kampagne fortzuschreiten und neue Plättchen für den nächsten Highscore freizuschalten macht uns zu zweit einfach viel mehr Spaß 😊und irgendwann wird es doch so unübersichtlich, dass vier Augen 👀 👀 sich hilfreich sind 🤓
Ausserdem #BoardGameArena nutzen können um an anderer Stelle die Entfernung zu überbrücken.
Und der 🐻 hatte auch seine Gelegenheiten 😬
#brettspielmonatsbericht #Dorfromantik #boardgamearena #Brettspiele
zwei von fünf. meh³
Bissl #BoardGameArena heute Abend? Aktiv unproduktiv sein? 🤔
Took advice from @wolvster so reposting now that I've logged in all my #BoardGameArena plays tomorrow January 2023 stats
#tabletopgames #tabletop #bgstats #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamearena