I very much enjoyed the 25th Board Game Studies Colloquium very much. Interesting research topics, awesome people, and a constructive and uplifting atmosphere. Thank you to Fatih Parlak for hosting and organizing the conference!
@gamestudies @histodons
#BoardGameStudies #GameStudies #HistoryOfGames #AnalogGameStudies
#boardgamestudies #gamestudies #historyofgames #analoggamestudies
The conference program for the upcoming Board Game Studies colloquium is now available.
You can find the full program on the BGS website (https://boardgamestudies.jimdofree.com/home/program/). I've compiled on overview on my blog, too (https://gespiele.hypotheses.org/9630).
#BoardGameStudies #GameStudies #HistoryOfGames #AnalogGameStudies
#boardgamestudies #gamestudies #historyofgames #analoggamestudies
Was wird mit #Sachsen überdurchschnittlich häufig verbunden? ... Bei historischen Brettspielen meist Wirtschaftsgüter.
Neu bei uns im #Slider: "Mit Pöppel und Würfel durch den Freistaat. Die Darstellung Sachsens im analogen Spiel: Fragen, Methoden und Desiderate"
Beitrag von Robin Reschke bei "Saxorum. Blog für interdisziplinäre Landeskunde in Sachsen"
#BoardGameStudies #Spieleforschung #Kulturgeschichte #Brettspiel
#sachsen #slider #boardgamestudies #spieleforschung #Kulturgeschichte #brettspiel
Finally submitted my proposal for a talk at the upcoming Board Game Studies Colloquium. The presentation would/will be about medieval legends about saints gambling, and winning with a broken die.
Of course, now I will, in all likelihood, have to write that paper. Future me won't be happy about that additional work. 😉
#boardgamestudies #gamestudies #medieval