Yet one more mid-week wargaming session with @WojennikTV. This time "Trzecie Powstanie " ("Third Uprising"). 1921 - fight for Silesia to make it part of reborn Poland. Or defend against it. Astonishingly beautiful game, quick to play with interesting card game mechanics.
#tabletop #wargames #boargames
#tabletop #wargames #boargames
I didn't like divine intervention cards in tournament at Camelot at all.
The game is crazy enough and that was too much. I mean I get that it is a catch up mechanic in the game, but it kills the game for me.
Both times the cards were extremely against my power :) and I was dead before I could do anything.
Unpopular opinion time: Wolfgang Warsch is a prankster.
The mind is his biggest prank, I believe one day he said that I will create a prank, and people will pay money for it, and he succeeded.
The Mind is not even an activity, it is a waste of time, you can do nothing and it is better than the time you spent on The Mind.
I bought Xia. Another sandbox game (the other I have is Western legends)
I like sandboxes, the problem is they get repetitive after a few plays.
Lets see what this one has to offer
I want to try Blood on the click tower again. I didn't like it the first time, I want to see if it was my fault and why the "ultimate social deduction" game wasn't fun :/ #boargames
On vient d’ouvrir Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion que mon chum nous a offert à Noël et, du moins en anglais, les descriptions des personnages ne sont pas genrés 👌
Ça fait longtemps qu’on a pas fait un bon jeu de plateau, et celui là a de super critiques. On voulait prendre le jeu de base mais apparemment commencer par celui là est un bonne idée avenant de s’attaquer au gros gros morceau que le jeu de base ^^
#boargames #gloomhavenjawsofthelion #Gloomhaven #jeudesociete
#boargames #gloomhavenjawsofthelion #Gloomhaven #jeudesociete
@bobzyeruncle I like to get competitive, but not against each other. Personally I love cooperative #Boargames like #Pandemic. Did you ever play it?
Hi, I'm Pim!
I am a French network SRE at Google, living in Dublin, Ireland.
I am interested in low-level computer systems.
On my free time, I sporadically do #CTF, #reversing, #opensource, music, #boargames, and bouldering. More often than I would like to, #x86 is involved in those activities.
Sometimes I make things at and other times I write things on
#introduction #ctf #reversing #opensource #boargames #x86
@PerplexingSophistry I really like Ascension, and Star Realms to scratch the collectible card game itch without the random card pack mechanics.
Both have expansions available to buy, but include every card to make each expansion fully playable.
2 parties de #jeuxdesociete en famille : la nièce, les frangins & MiniGeek.
Nous avons joué à :
💠 Second chance
🧙♂️ Citadelle
#jeudesociete #jds #j2s #boardgame #boargames #juegosdeesa #juegodemesa
#jeuxdesociete #jeudesociete #jds #j2s #boardgame #boargames #juegosdeesa #juegodemesa