In September 2021, #BobBrownFoundation and their team of #scientists wrote to the Federal Environment Minister appealing to her to change the decision. They submitted recorded audio evidence of the Masked Owl, which had been neglected in the original assessment. Now, the Minister wants to hear from you. Public comment has opened on our appeal for a reconsideration. The Minister wants to hear from interested members of the public whether they think this reconsideration should go ahead.
#scientists #bobbrownfoundation
From a seedling to forest elder: the film is a masterclass that draws on Bob’s 50 years of inspiring activism, from the Franklin campaign for Tasmania’s last wild river, to today’s battle for the Tarkine rainforest. Told in Bob’s own words, his story is interwoven with the extraordinary life cycle of Australia’s giant trees, brought to the screen with stunning cinematography and immersive animated forest
#tarkine #bobbrown #bobbrownfoundation #thegiants
Vulnerable to extinction, the #TasmanianMaskedOwl is suffering from loss of its ancient forest habitats across the island. They rely on hollow bearing old trees for survival.
The owl, its life-partner and their kin will only survive if the proposed tailings waste dump is stopped. There is still time.
#BobBrownFoundation has held #MMG's machinery back since December 2020, but the company is pushing ahead for federal environmental approvals.
#mmg #bobbrownfoundation #tasmanianmaskedowl
#Australia has more than enough plantations to meet its wood needs.
We're calling for urgent protection of Australia’s native forests and their wildlife.
#bobbrownfoundation #defendthegiants #whatwillyoudo #Australia
Get salmon farms out of Tasmania’s waters
#salmon #Australia #bobbrownfoundation #tasmania