I see the new season of Real Housewives of Congress has started. #MTG #Bobert #GOP
Not surprised but radical right wing extremist #Republican #congressperson #LaurenBobert was apparently involved in covering up her husband’s child abuse.
Apparently, the husband was “throwing” one of her children in their house and a child called the police to report abuse.
#Bobert shortly thereafter intervened to say the child was “fine.”
You really can’t make this stuff up.
#politics #uspolitics #uspol #gop #extremism #oligarchy #corruption #idiocracy
#republican #congressperson #laurenbobert #bobert #politics #uspolitics #uspol #gop #extremism #oligarchy #corruption #idiocracy
#Bobert making it clear what she thinks of America. "What we are wanting to do TO Americans." They don't want to do anything for us just to us.
@prodygy We need to lobby Congress to investigate #Bobert under the #14thAmendment both for her “Today is 1776” call to action #Tweet on #Jan6 as well as her aid to the endangerment of Pelosi on the same day.
#bobert #14thamendment #tweet #jan6