"The musical, directed by Wayne Cilento and featuring reimagined stagings of original Fosse choreography, opened to mostly tepid reviews on March 19. The show has struggled at the box office, and last week filled fewer than half the available seats at the Music Box Theatre, grossing just $386,970."
Revival: 'Bob Fosse's Dancin' Sets B'way Closing Notice After Tony Nod Nix
https://deadline.com/2023/05/bob-fosses-dancin-broadway-closing-notice-1235354415/amp/ via Deadline Hollywood
Photo: Julieta Cervantes via Deadline Hollywood
#BobFossesDancin #TonyAwards
Saw the new Broadway revival of #BobFossesDancin last night with my oldest, closest friend… In a word, #WOW ! If you’re in the New York area and have any interest in musical theater at all, #SeeThisImmediately. Words can’t do it justice. The opening of the second act is fifteen minutes of the most spectacular dancing I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot. Just GO!
#bobfossesdancin #wow #seethisimmediately #broadway #musicalcomedy #choreography