Nos da Fediversistas! Sleep well, have a walk through the woods in your dreams, who knows who you might meet? Oh, and we were in Castle Woods in Skippy Skippy Skipton! #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas! Sleep well. Have a looming tower for your dreams, a looming tower always evokes the tarot, and tarot is always great for dreams. #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas! Sleep well. Tonight, may you walk this road in your dreams. Did you just walk up it? Are you about to walk down? Or both? Or neither? Whatever, however, may the dream road rise to meet your dream feet. #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas, sleep well, have an image to inspire your dreams made of light and water #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas, sleep well. Sunset over the river, let it flow through your dreams and take you to tomorrow #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas, may you roll in something stinky beneath a setting sun in your dreams #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas! Sleep well. Just remember anything is possible #Bobies
Have another sunset pic for your dreams. Your dreams. Dream the sunset. Also, nos da. #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas, time, despite #SpinalTap being on, for bed. Sleep this well, for you deserve it. Not you, specifically, but you generally. #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas, sleep well. Meant to post this last night, but have some swans for your dreams. Swim with them. #Bobies
Right, time for bed. Pic for yesterday for your dreams tonight: on an old bridge, looking beyond. Cross a bridge in your dreams, see where it takes you. #Bobies
Good night Fediversistas! Sleep well, dream of blue skies and fields and rivers. #Bobies
So #TheElephantMan is on the Telly which is too sad to bear. This, and the fact I have work in the morning as well as ambles to be had, mean I will go to sleep instead. Have a path into the woods for your dreams… Nos da Fediversistas, sleep bewilderingly #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas, sleep well, for tomorrow we get up again. Here’s a very small gate, what dreams and dramas may come through that gate and into your dreams? #Bobies
Right, nos da Fediversistas, here’s a path. What will you dream if you wander down it? Only one way to find out #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas! Sleep well, have some interesting clouds for your dreams #Bobies
Nos da Fediversistas! M’col spotted something in the garden, probably a hodgepig and woke up TCMoH with his barkage. He has now calmed down and is back on his Васи́лий Григо́рьевич За́йцев impressions again, while I have a bit of #TheWarOnDrugs before bed. Off you pop #Bobies