@RayMoz wohl wahr, wir werden nicht mehr gebraucht, die Bots kommen ganz gut alleine zurecht.
Wer #ScienceFiction mag, sollte sich das #Bobiverse näher anschauen: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobiverse#:~:text=Die%20Bobiverse%20(deutsch%3A%20Bobiversum%2D),Aspekte%20erstmals%20in%20Romanform%20gefasst.
Dort wird unsere KI Zukunft vorweg genommen. :ablobcatbouncefast:
#Bobiverse Book 5 is getting closer to release. The potential title "Not Until We are Lost"
I love the title!
@bastibayer Früher mehrere auf einmal, inzwischen seriell, denn sie laufen nicht weg. Und ich kaufe auch nicht mehr so viele wie früher. Denn so wirklich neues kommt nur noch selten. Immer die selbe Geschichte in 1000 Varianten.
Zuletzt las ich "Außerirdisch" (Road Kill) von Dennis E. Taylor, dessen #Bobiversum #Bobiverse Bücher ich sehr gerne gelesen habe! #Bücher #Lesen
#lesen #bucher #bobiverse #bobiversum
I want more people to listen to Ray Porter reading the #Bobiverse books. They’re a lot of fun!
Ich war wieder zu Gast im Podcast "Jules Vernes Erben". Dieses Mal unterhalten wir uns über die genialen #Bobiverse SF-Romane von Dennis E. Taylor. Hört rein! 🙂
Been reading this series ( 2017 ) and have been really liking it. My only criticisms is that some of the science and scifi subjects it explores makes errors in terms of scale and extent. For example: the series grossly underestimates the amount of raw material resources available in a single solar system and makes it sound like they can be consumed in a far shorter amount of time than what is possible in physics.. by a factor of thousands or more.
I just finished listening to "Heaven's River" by Dennis E. Taylor. If you've enjoyed the Bobiverse books, I think you'll like this equally. Taylor sets himself a few more challenges and the book is longer. It's a tough act to pull off since there is, for the most part, only one character. But I think he pulls it off and sets up future franchise books in the process.
#bobiverse #sciencefiction #secretscifinetwork #bookstodon
Almost finished re-listening to the audio book of #ProjectHailMary again. It's one of my favorite sci-fi books and Ray Porter kills the narration. Now I just need @DennisETaylor to release the next #bobiverse book 😄
I have a theory... #ChatGPT is really just one of the Bob replicants from the #Bobiverse.
I have a theory... #ChatGPT is really just one of the Bob replicants from the #Bobiverse.
I'm also Extremely Into #ScienceFiction #SciFi #HardSciFi #HardScienceFiction #Books
During lockdown I rediscovered my love of reading - stumbling across #JohnScalzi #OldMansWar, which I loved and reminded a bit me of the #JoeHaldeman #ForeverWar series. Which led me to the #Bobiverse books by #DennisETaylor which I LOVED.
I also very much like....
Genuinely looking for more suggestions!
#sciencefiction #scifi #hardscifi #hardsciencefiction #Books #johnscalzi #oldmanswar #joehaldeman #foreverwar #bobiverse #dennisetaylor #markokloos #andyweir #poulanderson #adriantchaikovsky
G' mornin, y'all. 😊
Onrustig maar lekker geslapen. De hele nacht, in mijn dromen, in het #Bobiverse gezeten, en afscheid genomen. Boek 4 is uit en boek 5 (t.e.m. 100 want een einde is ondenkbaar) laat nog wel even op zich wachten.
Raar? Ikke? Absoluut! Take or leave it. 😉😇
Hello, tooters. 😊
I'm looking for free good #podcast s about #science and #TrueCrime.
There are a lot out there but sometimes the voices are horrible (to me), sometimes the podcast is really boring. Google isn't much help so I'm hoping for 'experience tips'. 😊
Also tips voor good SF of fantasy #audiobooks are welcome. Ik have listened to the #Bobiverse and loved it. Same here: Google isn't much help so.
#bobiverse #audiobooks #truecrime #science #podcast
Goede morgen, tooters. 😊
Ik ben op zoek naar gratis goede #podcast s. Onderwerp: #wetenschap en #TrueCrime. Nederlands- of engelstalig.
Er zijn er veel maar soms zijn de stemmen gruwelijk, soms is de podcast doodsaai. Dus ik hoop op 'ervaringstips'. Google helpt niet echt. 😊
Ook tips voor goede Engelstalige SF of fantasy #luisterboek en zijn welkom. Ik heb de hele #Bobiverse al geluisterd. Zelfde hier: Google helpt niet dus ervaringstips zijn welkom.
#bobiverse #luisterboek #truecrime #wetenschap #podcast
@llvm #bobiverse maybe? Not as good and fascinating as #theexpanse, but I enjoyed it.
Or maybe #Murderbot?
#bobiverse #theexpanse #murderbot
In no particular order, some authors I’ve enjoyed this year:
#KDEdwards ( #TheTarotSequence )
#DyrkAshton ( #Paternus )
#RebeccaRoanhorse ( #BetweenEarthAndSky )
#TamsynMuir ( #TheLockedTomb )
#BrandonSanderson ( all things #Cosmere )
#TJKlune ( #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea )
#ChinaMieville ( #Kraken )
#UrsulaKLeGuin ( #TheLeftHandOfDarkness & #Earthsea )
#EverinaMaxwell ( #WintersOrbit )
#PDjeliClark ( #AMasterOfDjinn )
#MaggieStiefvater ( #TheDreamerTrilogy )
#OlivieBlake ( #TheAtlas )
#DavidRSlayton ( #AdamBinder )
#RogerZelazny ( #LordOfLight )
#MarthaWells ( #TheMurderbotDiaries )
#TerryPratchett ( #Discworld )
#TravisBaldree ( #LegendsAndLattes )
#ZamilAkhtar ( #GunmetalGods )
#ArkadyMartine ( #Teixcalaan )
#DennisETaylor ( #Bobiverse )
#FondaLee ( #TheGreenBoneSaga )
#NicholasEames ( #TheBand )
#SusannaClarke ( #Piranesi )
#KaiAshanteWilson ( #TheSorcererOfTheWildeeps )
If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to shout them out! #Scifi #Fantasy #SFF #Bookstadon #ScifiReads #FantasyReads #ScifiFantasy #QueerScifi #QueerSFF
#kdedwards #thetarotsequence #dyrkashton #paternus #rebeccaroanhorse #betweenearthandsky #tamsynmuir #thelockedtomb #brandonsanderson #cosmere #tjklune #thehouseintheceruleansea #chinamieville #kraken #ursulakleguin #thelefthandofdarkness #earthsea #everinamaxwell #wintersorbit #pdjeliclark #amasterofdjinn #maggiestiefvater #thedreamertrilogy #olivieblake #theatlas #davidrslayton #adambinder #rogerzelazny #lordoflight #marthawells #themurderbotdiaries #terrypratchett #discworld #travisbaldree #legendsandlattes #zamilakhtar #gunmetalgods #arkadymartine #teixcalaan #dennisetaylor #bobiverse #fondalee #thegreenbonesaga #nicholaseames #theband #susannaclarke #piranesi #kaiashantewilson #thesorcererofthewildeeps #scifi #fantasy #sff #bookstadon #scifireads #fantasyreads #scififantasy #queerscifi #queersff
One of my favorite book series is the #bobiverse series. The first book is called We are Legion We are Bob. Cannot recommend it enough.
Also, if #sff is your preference, join us over on #sffbookclub. The book for January is What Moves the Dead, by T. Kingfisher.