Why is no one mentioning Bob Lazar?🤔
#UFOwhistleblower #BobLazar #UAP #UFO
#ufo #uap #boblazar #ufowhistleblower
#itm second half of show stuff here
And #boblazar
And #ArtBell who really kicked ass and took names. 30+years ago.
And #RichardCHoagland but damnn his delivery irritates me... #Cronkite #nasa and such.
These folks are human as far as I know, being human myself as far ai know, I'm flawed to the nth degree as are they.
#itm #johmlearwasright #lindamoultonhowe #boblazar #artbell #richardchoagland #cronkite #nasa
#TimDodd and #LexFridman - Is #BobLazar telling the '#Truth?
#Alians #AlienCivilisation #AlienCivilisations #AlienLife #SETI #AlienTechnology #ReverseEngineering #Propulsion #PropulsionSystem #PropulsionSystems #AntiGravity #AntiGravityDrive #ExoticMatter #Lies
#lies #exoticmatter #antigravitydrive #antigravity #propulsionsystems #propulsionsystem #propulsion #reverseengineering #alienTechnology #seti #alienlife #AlienCivilisations #aliencivilisation #alians #truth #boblazar #lexfridman #timdodd
Bob Lazar è stato oggetto di molte polemiche e speculazioni nella comunità paranormale. Secondo le affermazioni di Lazar, avrebbe lavorato con la tecnologia aliena eseguendo il reverse engineering degli UFO in un sito top-secret noto come S4 (Settore Quattro), vicino al famigerato sito militare li...
#26Dicembre #Ipotesidicomplotto #Alieni #Area51 #BobLazar
#boblazar #area51 #alieni #ipotesidicomplotto #26dicembre
To be clear, #BobLazar was a charlatan and a quack. Still, this video might provide others with some form of twisted entertainment (it did me). If #JamesDoohan (Scotty) had of only played #BagpipesInSpace. I'm also noticing the title is, "UFO's Above and Beyond". Guess "UFO's" is possessive... https://archive.org/details/BannedSciFiChannelUFOSpecialJamesDoohanBobLazar
#bagpipesinspace #JamesDoohan #boblazar
To be clear, #BobLazar was a charlatan and a quack. Still, this video might provide others with some form of twisted entertainment; it did me. If #JamesDoohan (Scotty) had of only played #BagpipesInSpace. I'm also noticing the title is, "UFO's Above & Beyond". Guess "UFO's" is possessive... https://archive.org/details/BannedSciFiChannelUFOSpecialJamesDoohanBobLazar
#bagpipesinspace #JamesDoohan #boblazar
#ITM @adam @Johncdvorak When discussing alternative fuels(show before last) namely hydrogen, I always think of the 12-03-2003 episode of C2C with Art and guest #BobLazar where he describes his 2ND #hydrogen car, a #Corvette (he wanted to use a sporty vs economical car for his second). I finally found a video describing the process.
BTW This car also runs on pump gas when the hydride is empty!
#itm #boblazar #hydrogen #corvette #tyfyc
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #2 – “Rocket-man” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-2-rocket-man/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #antigravidazione #retroingegneria #propulsioni #rocket-man #moscovium #boblazar #ufologia #maestro #ottany #grigi #lazar #lue
#lue #lazar #grigi #ottany #maestro #ufologia #boblazar #moscovium #rocket #propulsioni #retroingegneria #antigravidazione #LezioniUniversalid
Whoa, #BobLazar was interviewed by #JoeRogan on June 21 2019.
If @adam of #thebestpodcastintheuniverse, #noagendashow, was reporting this story, he would take note of the timely coincidence of the "Let's storm Area 15" meme.
#boblazar #joerogan #thebestpodcastintheuniverse #noagendashow