argues that 's moves to link the to and to insist on ruble payments for natural gas won't be very effective in strengthening the currency.

#bobmurphy #putin #ruble #gold

Last updated 3 years ago

(friend of ) did a 4 part series on he of

Done with the usual thoroughness and thoughtfulness brings to the table.

Behind Klaus Schwab, the , and the Great Reset: Part 1

#BobMurphyShow #tomwoods #klausschwab #TheGreatReset #bobmurphy #worldeconomicforum #davos

Last updated 3 years ago

did a few shows on .

Ep. 25 "Discussing MMT Through the Eyes of a Socialist"

Gives the best overview.

To summarize: Ultimate :

"All money comes from the State. do not matter. The State can make as much money as it wants. The purpose of taxes is to create a demand for the State's ."

Do you expect the State to reach any other conclusion?

#bobmurphy #modernmonetarytheory #statist #monetarypolicy #deficits #currency

Last updated 5 years ago