The firm realization where all three of the Pesto brothers (Jimmy Jr, Andy, and Ollie) all wear briefs as the underwear of choice. Just an FYI.
#BobsBurgers #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #JimmyPestoJr #JimmyJr #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #Underwear #Briefs #Shota
#bobsburgers #andypesto #olliepesto #jimmypestojr #jimmyjr #bobsburgersandy #bobsburgersollie #bobsburgersjimmyjr #underwear #briefs #shota
Two screencap edits in a the span of almost 24 hours and of course, it's Darryl in the Bob's Burgers episode "Fort Night."
#BobsBurgers #Darryl #GeneBelcher #LouiseBelcher #TinaBelcher #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie #ScreencapEdit #Shota
#tinabelcher #andypesto #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgerstina #bobsburgersandy #bobsburgersollie #screencapEdit #shota #bobsburgers #darryl #genebelcher #louisebelcher #olliepesto #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgerslouise
Behold! Another screencap from yours truly with Darryl in the episode "Fort Night", with and without the underwear. Remove the shirt.
#BobsBurgers #Darryl #GeneBelcher #LouiseBelcher #TinaBelcher #AndyPesto #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersAndy #ScreencapEdit #Shota
#bobsburgers #darryl #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgersandy #screencapEdit #shota #genebelcher #louisebelcher #tinabelcher #andypesto #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgerstina
That comment I found isn't wrong tho. Louise knows how to make the boys go down to their undies.
#BobsBurgers #LouiseBelcher #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #Darryl #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie #BobsBurgersDarryl
#bobsburgersandy #bobsburgers #darryl #louisebelcher #andypesto #olliepesto #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgersollie #bobsburgersdarryl
And here is another screencap edit from the Bob's Burgers episode "Fort Night" with the burp and blow scene. One with everyone fully naked, the other with just Darryl being shirtless.
#BobsBurgers #Darryl #LouiseBelcher #TinaBelcher #GeneBelcher #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie #Shota #Loli #ScreencapEdit
#genebelcher #louisebelcher #tinabelcher #andypesto #olliepesto #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgerstina #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgersandy #bobsburgersollie #shota #loli #screencapEdit #bobsburgers #darryl
Those Andy and Ollie in their underwear scenes from the Season 3 episode "The Kids Run the Restaurant" (plus them in the background in like the last...ten, fifteen seconds for show)
#BobsBurgers #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie
#bobsburgers #andypesto #olliepesto #bobsburgersandy #bobsburgersollie