My end of the deal of the art trade with @Paraportobello and was quicker than expected despite a few hiccups from the reference to pretty much modeling but here it is.
Peedee Fryman giving Gene Belcher a footjob. Often times, the sauce drips from the burger into the fries if you get the idea.
Reminder: Please Don't Steal and Reposting. JUST DON'T. I'm dead serious!
#BobsBurgers #StevenUniverse #GeneBelcher #PeedeeFryman #BobsBurgersGene #StevenUniversePeedee #Footjob #Shota #ArtTrade
#bobsburgers #stevenuniverse #genebelcher #peedeefryman #bobsburgersgene #stevenuniversepeedee #footjob #shota #arttrade
Something about Bouchard-made shows in character styles like these where the young male member of the family who are the main characters being pudgy want you to be attracted to them. Works for me because I'm a hack. Do you?
#BobsBurgers #CentralPark #CentralParkTV #TheGreatNorth #GeneBelcher #ColeTillerman #MoonTobin #BobsBurgersGene #CentralParkCole #TheGreatNorthMoon #Shota
#bobsburgers #centralpark #CentralParkTV #TheGreatNorth #genebelcher #ColeTillerman #MoonTobin #bobsburgersgene #CentralParkCole #TheGreatNorthMoon #shota
A shirtless Darryl, a shirtless Rudy, a shirtless Gene, and Jimmy Jr taking off his pants...I can never stop watching the trailer time and time again.
#BobsBurgers #TheBobsBurgersMovie #JimmyPestoJr #JimmyJr #Darryl #GeneBelcher #RegularSizedRudy #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersRudy
#jimmyjr #bobsburgers #darryl #bobsburgersdarryl #genebelcher #regularsizedrudy #bobsburgersgene #jimmypestojr #TheBobsBurgersMovie #bobsburgersjimmyjr #bobsburgersrudy
Two screencap edits in a the span of almost 24 hours and of course, it's Darryl in the Bob's Burgers episode "Fort Night."
#BobsBurgers #Darryl #GeneBelcher #LouiseBelcher #TinaBelcher #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie #ScreencapEdit #Shota
#tinabelcher #andypesto #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgerstina #bobsburgersandy #bobsburgersollie #screencapEdit #shota #bobsburgers #darryl #genebelcher #louisebelcher #olliepesto #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgerslouise
Behold! Another screencap from yours truly with Darryl in the episode "Fort Night", with and without the underwear. Remove the shirt.
#BobsBurgers #Darryl #GeneBelcher #LouiseBelcher #TinaBelcher #AndyPesto #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersAndy #ScreencapEdit #Shota
#bobsburgers #darryl #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgersandy #screencapEdit #shota #genebelcher #louisebelcher #tinabelcher #andypesto #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgerstina
And another Gene nudity moment in the show with him playing bottomless businessman after getting out of the shower.
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #bobsburgersgene
Why one edit of Gene and Courtney from "The Gene and Courtney Show" when I done all four in one day. God I need rest.
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #CourtneyWheeler #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersCourtney #Shota #Loli #ScreencapEdit
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #courtneywheeler #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgerscourtney #shota #loli #screencapEdit
Here is another edit of a Bob's Burgers screencap with this time being Gene, Alex, and Courtney in the episode "Roller? I Hardly Know Her!"
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #CourtneyWheeler #AlexPapasian #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersCourtney #BobsBurgersAlex #ScreencapEdit #Shota #Loli
#courtneywheeler #alexpapasian #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgerscourtney #bobsburgers #genebelcher #bobsburgersalex #screencapEdit #shota #loli
And here is another screencap edit from the Bob's Burgers episode "Fort Night" with the burp and blow scene. One with everyone fully naked, the other with just Darryl being shirtless.
#BobsBurgers #Darryl #LouiseBelcher #TinaBelcher #GeneBelcher #AndyPesto #OlliePesto #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersAndy #BobsBurgersOllie #Shota #Loli #ScreencapEdit
#genebelcher #louisebelcher #tinabelcher #andypesto #olliepesto #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgerstina #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgersandy #bobsburgersollie #shota #loli #screencapEdit #bobsburgers #darryl
Another edit where this time around, it's Zeke, Louise, Jimmy Jr, a peak of Gene, and Arnold in the Season 9 episode "Yes Without My Zeke"
#BobsBurgers #Zeke #JimmyPestoJr #JimmyJr #ArnoldEvans #GeneBelcher #LouiseBelcher #BobsBurgersZeke #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersArnold #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersGene #ScreencapEdit #Shota #Loli
#zeke #jimmypestojr #louisebelcher #bobsburgerszeke #bobsburgersarnold #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgersgene #screencapEdit #shota #arnoldevans #genebelcher #loli #bobsburgers #jimmyjr #bobsburgersjimmyjr
Hope we can get a Bob's Burgers episode where we explore the dynamic of Alex, Gene, and Courtney as a trio. It would be nice and wholesome to see the three in the spotlight.
And also these three pretty much have threesome written all over it. Yeah...a three-way between these three :blobreachdrool:
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #CourtneyWheeler #BobsBurgersGene #BobaBurgersAlex #BobsBurgersCourtney
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #courtneywheeler #bobsburgersgene #BobaBurgersAlex #bobsburgerscourtney
At long last, the return of Gene's underwear! It's been two seasons and here it is folks! (2/2) #BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #BobsBurgersGene
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #bobsburgersgene
At long last, the return of Gene's underwear! It's been two seasons and here it is folks! (1/2) #BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #BobsBurgersGene
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #bobsburgersgene
How long has it been since we last have a Gene nude/underwear scene on the show because it's been forever! (Screencaps from the recent episode).
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #bobsburgersgene
Two pieces I did for the month of December. First being Courtney, Gene, and Alex taking a selfie and recent being Tina and Susmita from space. Enjoy.
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #CourtneyWheeler #TinaBelcher #Susmita #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #BobsBurgersCourtney #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersSusmita #SFW
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #courtneywheeler #tinabelcher #susmita #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #bobsburgerscourtney #bobsburgerstina #bobsburgerssusmita #sfw
First Commission from @Nworc of Gene and Alex from Bob's Burgers and it's the individual poses. Enjoy!
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #Nworc #Shota #Yaoi
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #Nworc #shota #yaoi
Very first commission I got from @Nworc of both Gene Belcher and Alex Papasian from Bob's Burgers and it looks really impressive. Really great coming from him and all credit goes to him! <3
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #Nworc #Shota #Yaoi
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #Nworc #shota #yaoi
Apparently, I wanna thank @Jackson205 for coming up with the idea of Gene having three boyfriends in Alex, Darryl, and Zeke. I bet Gene is going to have a time of his life with them as his dates.
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #Darryl #Zeke #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #darryl #zeke #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgerszeke
Look at these four lovely boys. Aren't they precious? When it comes to these lovely boys (Gene, Alex, Darryl, and Zeke), which smut do you want to see in art and fanfic?
Link to Poll:
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #Darryl #Zeke #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #darryl #zeke #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgerszeke
Commission #11 from Enookie and of course, it's been year since the first Gene and Alex piece I commission her and now, a year later, here we are again. This time it's them having a hot and steamy sleepover. All credit goes to @Enookie for the art!
Someone should make a fanfiction piece about this!
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #Shota #Yaoi #Chubby #Enookie
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #shota #yaoi #chubby #enookie