That moment in "Broadcast Wagstaff School News" where Zeke shortly flashes Tina before taking a dump way high on stage after revealing himself as the "Mad Pooper." 💩
#BobsBurgers #TinaBelcher #Zeke #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgerstina #bobsburgerszeke #bobsburgers #tinabelcher #zeke
"Wait. I know that I've said this a lot, but this time I mean it. We should put leaves in our underwear." - Tina Belcher in "Sit Me Baby, One More Time" (2017)
Putting leaves inside your pants when dealing with a babysitting client who is known for kicking people in the crotch. Leaves: Nature's Protection Cup.
#BobsBurgers #JimmyPestoJr #Zeke #TammyLarsen #TinaBelcher #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersZeke #BobsBurgersTammy #BobsBurgersTina
#bobsburgers #jimmypestojr #tammylarsen #tinabelcher #bobsburgerszeke #zeke #bobsburgerstammy #bobsburgersjimmyjr #bobsburgerstina
With Zeke being a member of the school's wrestling team, imagine if the idea of "wrestling" would mean partaking in various sex acts with Zeke learning some new moves. Also Zeke does looks hot in that wrestling uniform ngl.
#bobsburgers #zeke #bobsburgerszeke
Another Bob's Burgers screencap edit coming through with Zeke in the Season 6 episode, "Lice Things are Lice". Editing out the wrestling outfit.
#shota #screencapEdit #bobsburgers #zeke #bobsburgerszeke
Another edit where this time around, it's Zeke, Louise, Jimmy Jr, a peak of Gene, and Arnold in the Season 9 episode "Yes Without My Zeke"
#BobsBurgers #Zeke #JimmyPestoJr #JimmyJr #ArnoldEvans #GeneBelcher #LouiseBelcher #BobsBurgersZeke #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersArnold #BobsBurgersLouise #BobsBurgersGene #ScreencapEdit #Shota #Loli
#zeke #jimmypestojr #louisebelcher #bobsburgerszeke #bobsburgersarnold #bobsburgerslouise #bobsburgersgene #screencapEdit #shota #arnoldevans #genebelcher #loli #bobsburgers #jimmyjr #bobsburgersjimmyjr
That same scene but it's only Zeke and Jimmy Jr...okay, I'll stop.
#BobsBurgers #JimmyPestoJr #Zeke #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #jimmypestojr #zeke #bobsburgersjimmyjr #bobsburgerszeke
That time both Tina and Tammy peeped through a hole on the boys' locker room and spotted Zeke and Jimmy Jr.
#BobsBurgers #TinaBelcher #TammyLarsen #JimmyPestoJr #Zeke #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersTammy #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #tinabelcher #tammylarsen #bobsburgerstammy #bobsburgersjimmyjr #bobsburgerszeke #jimmypestojr #zeke #bobsburgerstina
If that GIF of Jimmy Jr and Zeke wrestling in Two for Tina doesn't scream lewd material waiting to happen...then hop on it then. #BobsBurgers #Zeke #JimmyPestoJr #BobsBurgersZeke #BobsBurgersJimmyJr
#bobsburgers #zeke #jimmypestojr #bobsburgerszeke #bobsburgersjimmyjr
A very special thanks to @Jackson205 for presenting me this request of Zeke and Darryl, mostly Darryl getting a wedgie from Zeke. Credit goes to the artist who he requested. Really love to see me some more Darryl art soon.
#BobsBurgers #Zeke #Darryl #BobsBurgersZeke #BobsBurgersDarryl #Wedgie #Underwear #Briefs
#bobsburgers #zeke #darryl #bobsburgerszeke #bobsburgersdarryl #wedgie #underwear #briefs
Apparently, I wanna thank @Jackson205 for coming up with the idea of Gene having three boyfriends in Alex, Darryl, and Zeke. I bet Gene is going to have a time of his life with them as his dates.
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #Darryl #Zeke #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #darryl #zeke #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgerszeke
Look at these four lovely boys. Aren't they precious? When it comes to these lovely boys (Gene, Alex, Darryl, and Zeke), which smut do you want to see in art and fanfic?
Link to Poll:
#BobsBurgers #GeneBelcher #AlexPapasian #Darryl #Zeke #BobsBurgersGene #BobsBurgersAlex #BobsBurgersDarryl #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #genebelcher #alexpapasian #darryl #zeke #bobsburgersgene #bobsburgersalex #bobsburgersdarryl #bobsburgerszeke