A series of teachings by my teacher Ken Holmes on the giving and taking practice of tonglen.
#buddhism #meditation #bodhicitta #compassion #bodhisattva #dharma #mahayana #tibetanbuddhism
#buddhism #meditation #bodhicitta #compassion #bodhisattva #dharma #mahayana #tibetanbuddhism
Study the first 5 chapters of Chandrakirti’s Introduction to the Middle Way
• listen to a weekly teaching by Khenpo Tashi Tsering of Namdroling Monastery
• discuss the meaning with fellow dharma students.
When: 7.00-8.15pm AEST each week from Monday 4 Sep - Mon 18 Dec. (11am CET, 5.00am US East Coast)
#khenpotashiTsering #namdroling #chandrakirti #middleway #madhyamaka #bodhicitta
#TibetanBuddhism #Philosophy #spirituality #shedra
#khenpotashitsering #namdroling #chandrakirti #middleway #madhyamaka #bodhicitta #TibetanBuddhism #philosophy #spirituality #shedra
a swirl of stardust
passing through this fleeting life
instruments of love
we have within us vast potential for empathy, to be kind and gentle, open and tender, resilient and filled with compassion, guided by wisdom.
may it be our choice, may it be so.
may open hearts, may sanity and wisdom arise.
#Existence #Life #Stardust
#Love #OpenHeart #Kindness #Compassion #Gentleness #Resilience #Wisdom #Bodhicitta #Prajna #EngagedBuddhism #Haiku #JinpaLhaga #JMWart #ZenEnso #Enso #Art
#existence #life #Stardust #love #openheart #kindness #compassion #Gentleness #resilience #wisdom #bodhicitta #prajna #engagedbuddhism #haiku #jinpalhaga #jmwart #zenenso #ENSO #art
our potential to stay open, tender, soft, empathetic, and kind, to abandon cynicism, to move with a balance of humility and confidence embodying love as compassion, sometimes fierce, is a superpower, a healing force that transforms hearts and benefits the world.
no weapons needed.
#bodhicitta #OpenHeart #empathy #tenderness #kindness #compassion #superpower #bodhisattva #healing #EngagedBuddhism #haiku #JinpaLhaga #JMWart
#bodhicitta #openheart #empathy #tenderness #kindness #compassion #superpower #bodhisattva #healing #engagedbuddhism #haiku #jinpalhaga #jmwart
Home shrine for the Order Bodhicitta practice this morning.
Sabbe Satyaraja sukhi hontu
May all beings be happy🙏
#Bodhicitta #Triratna #Metta #ThreeJewels #Buddha #Dharma #Sangha
#sangha #dharma #buddha #threejewels #Metta #triratna #bodhicitta
Aṣṭasāhastikā says that #bodhicitta a citta that is acitta.
Here bodhicitta/acitta means the same as #śūnyatā: a mind in which no sensory experience is arising (or ceasing) because attention has been withdrawn from sensory experience.
Since there is no mental content in that state, it is acitta.
#bodhicitta #sunyata #buddhism
A short extract from a weekend of teachings by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche from September 2020.
#DzigarKongtrulRinpoche #meditation
#TibetanBuddhism #peace #compassion #wisdom #daring
#flourish #purpose #calm #bodhicitta #inspiration #inspo #manifest
#mentalhealth #loveyourself #inspiration #mentalfitness #awake
#dzigarkongtrulrinpoche #meditation #TibetanBuddhism #peace #compassion #wisdom #daring #flourish #purpose #calm #bodhicitta #inspiration #inspo #manifest #mentalhealth #loveyourself #mentalfitness #awake
While for many within the #sutta concept of #buddhism the concept of #buddha is limited to an historical personality that became a liberated to the point of being beyond human, thus gone and not reachable; in #mahayana the focus is on generation compassion for all sentient beings, aka #bodhicitta. This is because the primordial #buddha is seen as compassion itself. The symbolism for compassion can take many forms, but in essence is the same when it comes to the realization we are all connected
#sutta #buddhism #buddha #mahayana #bodhicitta