Morning Meditation:
‘Don’t use Buddha to worship a Buddha.’
#buddhism #zen #bodhidharma #Chan
From the book The Way of Transformation by Karlfried Graf von Dürckheim
#TheWayOfTransformation #KarlfriedGrafVonDürckheim #annihilation #Becoming #ZigZagZen #AllanBadiner #Bodhidharma
#thewayoftransformation #karlfriedgrafvondurckheim #annihilation #becoming #zigzagzen #allanbadiner #bodhidharma
People of this world are deluded. They're always longing for something - always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons. All phenomena are empty. They contain nothing worth desiring.
The sutras say, "To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss." When you seek nothing, you're on the Path.
Emperor Wu asked the great teacher Bodhidharma, “What is the first principle of the holy teaching?”
Bodhidharma said, “Vast emptiness, nothing holy.”
“Who are you, standing here in front of me?” asked the emperor.
“I don’t know,” said Bodhidharma.
#bodhidharma #emptiness #sunyata
#bodhidharma #emptiness #sunyata
"He's the man who came from the west...they still ask why today" #bodhidharma #zen