“The alternative to thinking of yourself as a good person is ... not to think of yourself as any kind of person at all: not to define yourself in any way. The #Buddha stressed that holding onto any belief at all about who we essentially are will cause us suffering. ... Instead of trying to be, or be seen as, a good person, aim to do the right thing. ... Practicing ... in this way makes us stronger and more #honest.”
This Difficult Thing of Being Human
https://www.parallax.org/product/difficult-thing-human/ #DoGood
#DoGood #bodhipaksa #honest #buddha
Not only is @bodhipaksa translating the Dhammapada into Scots, he's posting the translation as he works on it.
#ScotsLeid #bodhipaksa #scotslanguage #dhammapada #buddhism
A useful resource by @bodhipaksa . The book is good too. https://fakebuddhaquotes.com/
#bodhipaksa #fakebuddhaquotes #buddhism