#fediradio #music #BoDiddley
#LosLobos and others (#BoDiddley + more) - La Bamba (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cd on #LondonRecords 1987
#londonrecords #bodiddley #loslobos
#LosLobos and others (#BoDiddley) - La Bamba (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cd on #LondonRecords 1987
#londonrecords #bodiddley #loslobos
"I'm a Man" is a #rhythmAndBlues song written and recorded by #BoDiddley in 1955. Inspired by an earlier blues song, it was one of his first hits. "I'm a Man" has been recorded by a variety of artists, including #theYardbirds, who adapted it in an upbeat rock style.
#rhythmandblues #bodiddley #theyardbirds
"Love Is Strange" is a #crossover hit by American #rhythmAndBlues duet #Mickey_Sylvia, which was released in late November 1956 by the #Groove record label. The song was based on a guitar #riff by #JodyWilliams and was written by #BoDiddley under the name of his wife at the time, Ethel Smith; it was recorded by Bo and #BuddyHolly, among others. The guitar riff was also used by #DaveBabyCortez in his 1962 instrumental song "#RinkyDink".
#crossover #rhythmandblues #mickey_sylvia #groove #riff #jodywilliams #bodiddley #buddyholly #davebabycortez #rinkydink
Mare de Deu😂 .
Ya estoy viendo a #BoDiddley y a #TheYardbirds con #JeffBeck pidiendo daños y perjuicios (a Hulio #keleden).
Enormes #DoctorExplosion
#RockNRoll #RNB #GarageRock
#garagerock #rnb #rocknroll #doctorexplosion #keleden #JeffBeck #TheYardbirds #bodiddley
Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/12/23
#Sebadoh #BoDiddley #ArabellaSteinbacher #MunichChamberOrchestra
#IndieMusic #LoFi #50sMusic #ClassicalMusic #Arabella #Vivaldi #violin #violinist #Orchestra #NowPlaying #Playlist #HiRes
#sebadoh #bodiddley #arabellasteinbacher #munichchamberorchestra #indiemusic #lofi #50smusic #classicalmusic #arabella #vivaldi #violin #violinist #orchestra #nowplaying #playlist #hires
“Bo Diddley” by Bo Diddley (1955)
The song “Bo Diddley” from the album Bo Diddley and from the artist Bo Diddley…and perhaps the first rock and roll song to popularize that beat, now known as, what else, the Bo Diddley beat.
#jukeboxfridaynight #nowplaying #bodiddley
Ted Tocks Covers
Bo Diddley
Originally posted on March 2, 2018
In this day in 2007 the funeral for #BoDiddley took place. As the family procession passed the congregation spontaneously began to sing:
"Hey Bo Diddley!"
At the service, a floral tribute was presented in the form of his trademark square guitar.
June 2 is Bo Diddley Day. He showed us that you can use guitars very well for punk music, long before it even existed.
#BoDiddley #punk #RocknRoll
So I listened to a little more of Bo Diddley a few days ago, and now the Brain DJ is in love with this one –
Bo Diddley, "Spanish Guitar" (1960)
#JukeboxFridayNight #ThisPartInParticular
From 1957, #BuddyHolly (guitar, vocal) and #JerryAllison (drums) lay down the demo-iest of demos (Buddy's vocals aren't even miked) of #BoDiddley's "Mona". It's deceptively simple until that first guitar solo (1:12), when Buddy turns Bo's original lick into Pete Townshend from ten years in the future.
They never did a proper recording of this one. Damn shame.
Mona (take 2) - Buddy Holly
#1950s #RockAndRoll
#rockandroll #1950s #bodiddley #jerryallison #BuddyHolly #thispartinparticular #JukeboxFridayNight
"Now when I was a little boy,
At the age of five,
I had somethin' in my pocket,
Keep a lot of folks alive.
Now I'm a man,
Made twenty-one,
You know baby,
We can have a lot of fun.
I'm a man,
I spell M-A-N, man."
By Ellas McDaniel
#bodiddley #blues #iamaman #boknowsblues #man #musiclegend
#RockNRoll #Guitar
I spent several hours working on a version of "I'm a man" with different lyrics and a chorus/breakdown more inspired by Manish boy by muddy waters.
Lyrically it is very similar to the other two working title is " your not gangster like me"
also been transposing buddy holly songs to open C and trying to keep most of the character of the original while suiting my style.
I dig #BoDiddley and #BuddyHolly so much that it is borderline infatuation that is unhealthy.
#rocknroll #guitar #bodiddley #buddyholly
Bo Diddley - You, Bo Diddley
#BoDiddley #youarebodiddley #blackgladiator #psychedelic #rhythmandblues #rocknroll
#bodiddley #youarebodiddley #blackgladiator #psychedelic #rhythmandblues #rocknroll
Minor Key . Net Valentine's Day Playlist 2/14/23
#BoDiddley #TheAnimals #CharlesBradley #BobDylan #MarvinGaye #OtisRedding #SonicYouth #TheMagneticFields #TheZombies #NancySinatra #LouReed #Donovan #Sebadoh #ElliottSmith #TheMoodyBlues
#bodiddley #theanimals #charlesbradley #bobdylan #marvingaye #otisredding #sonicyouth #themagneticfields #thezombies #nancysinatra #loureed #donovan #sebadoh #elliottsmith #themoodyblues #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #music #valentinesday #playlist #mastomusic