Reminds me of:
When the #SouthCarolina Senate voted to ban #abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, state Sen. Tom Davis (#GOP) remarked,
👀 “At some point in time, the right of the state to see the unborn child born does take precedent over the woman’s right to her body.”"👀
"Conservatives" don't want women to own the rights to their own bodies.
#Women #WomensRights #BodilyAutomony #Freedom #Healthcare #USA
#EditorialCartoon #Cartoon
#southcarolina #abortion #gop #women #womensrights #bodilyautomony #freedom #healthcare #usa #editorialcartoon #cartoon
When the South Carolina Senate voted to ban abortions after roughly six weeks of pregnancy, state Sen. Tom Davis (Republican) remarked,
👀 “At some point in time, the right of the state to see the unborn child born does take precedent over the woman’s right to her body.”"👀
#Women #WomensRights #BodilyAutomony #Freedom #Abortion #Healthcare #USA
#GOP #Republicans #Sexism #Misogyny
#women #womensrights #bodilyautomony #freedom #abortion #healthcare #usa #gop #republicans #sexism #misogyny
"The South Carolina Senate votes to ban abortions after roughly six weeks of pregnancy. State Sen. Tom Davis (R) remarked,
👀 “At some point in time, the right of the state to see the unborn child born does take precedent over the woman’s right to her body.”"👀
#Women #WomensRights #BodilyAutomony #Abortion #Healthcare #SouthCarolina #Iowa #USA
#EditorialCartoon #Cartoon
#Iowa #women #womensrights #bodilyautomony #abortion #healthcare #southcarolina #usa #editorialcartoon #cartoon
"The South Carolina Senate votes to ban abortions after roughly six weeks of pregnancy. State Sen. Tom Davis (R) remarked, “At some point in time, the right of the state to see the unborn child born does take precedent over the woman’s right to her body.”"
#Women #WomensRights #BodilyAutomony #Abortion #Healthcare #SouthCarolina #USA
#EditorialCartoon #Cartoon
#women #womensrights #bodilyautomony #abortion #healthcare #southcarolina #usa #editorialcartoon #cartoon
"The South Carolina Senate votes to ban abortions after roughly six weeks of pregnancy. State Sen. Tom Davis (R) remarked,
“At some point in time, the right of the state to see the unborn child born does take precedent over the woman’s right to her body.”"
#Women #WomensRights #BodilyAutomony #Abortion #Healthcare #SouthCarolina #USA
#EditorialCartoon #Cartoon
#women #womensrights #bodilyautomony #abortion #healthcare #southcarolina #usa #editorialcartoon #cartoon