' It is not tenable to vary the extent of bodily rights from state to state, border to border. It raises legal and political questions that have to be settled in one direction or another.... By ending the constitutional guarantee of bodily autonomy, the Supreme Court has fully unsettled the rights of countless Americans in ways that must be resolved. Once again, a house divided against itself cannot stand. '
#abortion #BodilyAutonomy #federalism #RightToTravel
#righttotravel #federalism #bodilyautonomy #abortion
Protesting Pfizer at NYC Global Headquarters (August 2, 2023)
Protesting, spreading truth, and having a little fun at Pfizer’s new global headquarters in Manhattan!
#protest #Pfizer #BigPharma #vaccines #NYC #Manhattan #NewYork #satire #comedy #Fauci #propaganda #pandemic #freedom #liberty #medicine #drugs #mask #masks #COVID #mandate #mandates #unvaxxed #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy #mybodymychoice #lockdown #quarantine #wewillnotcomply #publichealth #health
#protest #pfizer #bigpharma #vaccines #nyc #manhattan #newyork #satire #comedy #fauci #propaganda #pandemic #freedom #liberty #medicine #drugs #mask #masks #covid #mandate #mandates #unvaxxed #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy #mybodymychoice #lockdown #quarantine #wewillnotcomply #publichealth #health
Apologies for cross-posting from the bird site, but starting tomorrow folks facing unwanted pregnancies in #Indiana will need this info. Please share widely!
🐦 🔗 https://twitter.com/indy10people/status/1686144923421044736
#AbortionRights #ReproductiveRights #BodilyAutonomy #AbortionFunds #BansOffOurBodies
#BansOffOurBodies #abortionfunds #bodilyautonomy #reproductiverights #abortionrights #indiana
Almost midnight thoughts on #parenting.
If you don’t want to be a parent, don’t have #kids. Parenting isn’t for everyone.
If you’re not sure if you want to be a #parent, don’t have kids. Parenting should be an enthusiastic yes, not a hesitant maybe.
If you want to have kids but you’re not in a position to give them a #stable, #loving environment, think twice before having kids. Parenting is hard in the best of circumstances and sometimes now is not the right time.
If you are #pregnant and don’t want to be a parent, I hope you have options because no one should have to be a parent against their will. #BodilyAutonomy means not being #forced to use your body in a way you did not #choose.
If you are a parent because you don’t have #options, do not be hard on yourself and do not take it out on the child. It is not the fault of either of you.
If you are a parent, and your #circumstances change, that doesn’t make you a bad parent. Ask for and accept #help if you can.
#parenting #kids #parent #stable #loving #pregnant #bodilyautonomy #forced #choose #options #circumstances #help #supportchoice
THIS is what happens when the state interferes with #bodilyautonomy
#bodilyautonomy #texas #tx #FuckGregAbbott #StopTheWarOnPregnantPeople
Fox News host caught accidentally making the case for Roe v Wade: ‘You can do what you want with your body’
#FoxNews #RoevWade #JesseWaters #abortionrights #bodilyautonomy #reproductivejustice #Politics #News
#foxnews #roevwade #jessewaters #abortionrights #bodilyautonomy #reproductivejustice #politics #news
#truth in #advertising
#republicans are #Fascists about your #bodilyautonomy.
#truth #advertising #republicans #fascists #bodilyautonomy
You'd think we'd know more about an over the counter birth control pill, but it's here.
To Hell with the christians and others who want to block access to it.
Finally, some good news:
FDA approves first over-the-counter birth control pill - STAT https://apple.news/ABWRxkT8LQjyAVme-LZu62A #health #HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #choice #BodilyAutonomy #pregnancy #abortion #BirthControl #environment #overpopulation #anthropocene
#health #humanrights #reproductiverights #choice #bodilyautonomy #pregnancy #abortion #birthcontrol #environment #OverPopulation #anthropocene
I saw this elsewhere on the web and had to share.
If you've ever tried to get sterilized and had a gynecologist tell you that you're not old enough, don't have enough kids, that you'll actually regret it, or in any other way denied your bodily autonomy regarding voluntary sterilization, it could help you find a doctor who won't be a giant arsehole about it.
#Tubal #TubalLigation #Sterilization #Genecology #BodilyAutonomy #ChildFree
#tubal #tuballigation #sterilization #genecology #bodilyautonomy #childfree
We don't allow our kids faces on social media, especially pictures family take and want to put on Facebook, and we've caught a lot of flack from them. Was super vindicating to see Zuck posting his kids with covered faces as well.
#bodilyautonomy #privacy #rights #kids #family
CFP the fabulous Ula Klein, Nicole Garret, & Fiona Brideoake curating essays for Undue Burdens: #ReproductiveRights and #bodilyautonomy in the Long #c18 Deadline August 15 FMI https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O6u-CXPuMAlzSy-a34kd0DGMNmRsF2hpneYX-XIlzfQ/mobilebasic
#reproductiverights #bodilyautonomy #c18
'There's no circumstance where we'll give up our #bodilyautonomy': #Ohio #abortionrights activist
#bodilyautonomy #ohio #abortionrights
So many things are far more dangerous than sex
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #ScienceDenial #nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #sciencedenial #nature #biology #bodilyautonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
I can now turn my attentions to completing Maureen. She's about 5 mm taller than her three sisters. And requires more finessing with her placement. #wool #pompom #artdoll #womensrights #bodilyautonomy #embroidery #workingartist
#wool #pompom #artdoll #womensrights #bodilyautonomy #embroidery #workingartist
So many things are far more dangerous than sex
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria #ScienceDenial #nature #biology #BodilyAutonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#respectyoungadults #stopthehysteria #sciencedenial #nature #biology #bodilyautonomy #teens #teenagers #infantilization #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #thehysteria #respect
This was obviously never just about kids identifying as cats (they always knew they didn’t exist). Ultimately it’s about coming after any child (and probably adult) who thinks, acts and merely exists in a way deemed unacceptable
#Cats #Transgender # Furries #Schools #ParentalAuthority #BodilyAutonomy #UKPol
#ukpol #bodilyautonomy #parentalauthority #schools #transgender #cats
"Every Body" Doc Shines Spotlight on #Intersex Community's Fight for Recognition, #BodilyAutonomy
#LGBTQIAplus :anqueer_flag: :marble_intersex:
#democracynow #intersex #bodilyautonomy #lgbtqiaplus
Today a woman in the UK has gone to prison for 28 months for inducing an abortion under the Offences Against the Person Act (1861). She got the pills from BPAS during lockdown and gave inaccurate information about gestation
We need to change the law. Abortion is healthcare. It must be decriminalised now
#ukpol #bodilyautonomy #abortionishealthare
Neurology Fuels Bigotry
but it doesn't have to.
We can stop the hate.
#RespectYoungAdults #Neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #YoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #Puritan #SexPhobic #Tradition #SexPhobia #StopTheHysteria #StopTheHate #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #Evolution #Logic #Maladaptive #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex
#respectyoungadults #neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #youngadults #puberty #adolescence #puritan #sexphobic #tradition #sexphobia #stopthehysteria #stopthehate #brains #BrainDevelopment #sexualdevelopment #evolution #logic #maladaptive #deficient #bodilyautonomy #agency #deficientbrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex