Congratulations to New York for legally recognising the benefits of Natural Organic Reduction (NOR). Informally known as human composting, this is a fast, effective and environmentally responsible option for body disposal.
Pioneer and creator of human composting, #KatrinaSpade of Recompose, has spent years refining NOR, which is a practical and sustainable after-death option for long-term issues surrounding space and energy consumption for both burial and flame cremation, and is lower-impact than Resomation (alkaline hydrolysis).
I personally cannot wait to see this option here in Australia, and around the world.
#NOR #GDEP #BodyDisposition #choice #HumanComposting #environment #sustainability #GoodStuff #legislation #NaturalOrganicReduction #EndOfLife
#katrinaspade #nor #gdep #bodydisposition #choice #humancomposting #environment #sustainability #GoodStuff #legislation #naturalorganicreduction #endoflife
Ducky’s Do #OneSimpleThing : Explore #GreenBurial and be sure to document and discuss your choices on #BodyDisposition with those you love. If your #CarbonFootprint matters in life, why wouldn’t it in death. #LetsTalkAboutDeathBaby #HaveAPlan #HaveAConversation
#onesimplething #greenburial #bodydisposition #carbonfootprint #letstalkaboutdeathbaby #haveaplan #haveaconversation