I would totally do this! Really, though, I'd settle for being smart enough to clone my work ID card to a ring...
Chip implants get under your skin so you can leave your keys at home | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/passkeys-passwords-authentication-security-133024414.html?src=rss
Productive day!
Restored an old domain along with it's content, started a new domain (while I search for an engine to power it), fixed a cupboard door, updated the PINs in my implanted NFC chip, saw the GP and lastly discovered just how racist a ‘beer buddy’ is.
He’ll be less of a buddy from now.
#blogging #nfc #bodyhacking #diy
Wishing you all a calm and peaceful Thursday
My only day of the week with no appointments so a walk and a breakfast bagel.
Terrible sleep last night so I’m struggling to concentrate on my school prep.
In 5 weeks I’ll be in the operating room in Barcelona with Facial Team for my first gender affirming surgery. Let’s go #bodyhacking
It took coming out as trans to realise that I am able/allowed to modify my body how I want. My therapist said ‘true agency demands knowledge’
So two tattoos and counting, 7 piercings and counting, and soon FFS. I hope to arrange an orchi asap, and a fat transfer BA too.
It goes without saying that I wish all my trans and enby siblings had access to all the medical procedures that they need to feel fully comfortable in their bodies 💪🫂🏳️⚧️💕
I do think I actually nailed it with the wireless implants.
Tried to post a short video clip earlier but it wasn't having it. So here is a slightly less impressive photo of a dermal piercing with an inbuilt receiver coil. Works through my entire arm, which I'm very pleased with. Does it count as #bodyhacking ?
So I turn around for two seconds, and cyberise.me now have implantable magnets in stock! :thonking:
La question #cyborg, entre indifférence et fascination http://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2018/03/16/la-question-cyborg-entre-indifference-et-fascination_5272062_4408996.html #mutant #transhumanisme #inclusion #bodyhacking (Bref, le quotidien des rôlistes quoi…)
#cyborg #mutant #transhumanisme #inclusion #bodyhacking
#transhumanism #anarchism #eclipsephase #antifa #arnis #bodyhacking #industrial