This original part of the Auld Aisle Cemetery , overgrown with a small forest around the centuries old tombstones now, also boasts a Resurrection Tower, where watch would be kept for body snatchers, illicitly dug up & sold to unscrupulous medical schools for dissection training.
#cemetery #Scotland #Ecosse #photography #graveyard #boneyard #auldaisle #auldaislecemetery #overgrown #trees #arbres #Kirkintilloch #Glasgow #birdsong #bodysnatchers #ResurrectionTower #WatchTower #history
#history #watchtower #resurrectiontower #bodysnatchers #birdsong #glasgow #kirkintilloch #arbres #trees #overgrown #auldaislecemetery #auldaisle #boneyard #graveyard #photography #ecosse #scotland #cemetery
SciFi movies released in 1993...pick your favorite.
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#demolitionman #robocop3 #bodysnatchers #cyborgcop #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Episode 434 – The Uncanny Valley of the Illuminati’s Money
We tackle the topic board and chat on the #podcast about all of this: #money #illuminati #uncannyvalley #bodysnatchers #mentalhealth #startrek
#podcast #money #illuminati #uncannyvalley #bodysnatchers #mentalhealth #startrek
Metal cage to deter bodysnatchers around the 1798 burying ground of James Russell, Paper Merchant, in the Ramshorn Cemetery near the original location of the University of Glasgow Medicial School (the city's main customer of said bodysnatchers!).
#glasgow #medicalschool #bodysnatcher #bodysnatchers #glasgowmedicalschool #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #glasgowmedicalschool #bodysnatchers #bodysnatcher #medicalschool #glasgow
The first movie of the Easter holiday:
Invasion of the Body Snatchers ('78)
Chilling stuff. Horribly tactile practical effects. Jeff Goldblum Goldbluming it at a very young age. Leonard Nimoy - hip 70s psychiatrist! As well as wonderful performances by Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, and Veronica Cartwright.
Still digesting the story as such, and the movie language.
Rude Girls: Women in 2 Tone and One Step Beyond #2023_03_01 #ink_19 #rexy #print_reviews #agent_99 #annie_whitehead #bananarama #bethan_peters #bodysnatchers #bow_wow_wow
#2023_03_01 #ink_19 #rexy #print_reviews #agent_99 #annie_whitehead #bananarama #bethan_peters #bodysnatchers #bow_wow_wow
BBC's 2 Tone The Sound of Coventry documentary #2Tone #TheSpecials #TheSelector #Madness #EnglishBeat #BodySnatchers #ska
#2tone #thespecials #theselector #madness #englishbeat #bodysnatchers #ska
Die Sammlung ist wieder etwas angewachsen 🥰
#movies #mediabook #ticks #bodysnatchers
Et si vos proches n'étaient pas vos proches ? Dans ce roman primo paru en 1955 et revu par son auteur, d'étranges événements semblent frappés la population. Hystérie collective ou pas, le docteur Miles Boise Bennell est au coeur du phénomène.
Body Snatchers, traduit sous l'invasion des profanateurs, de Jack Finney, classique du genre, a bénéficié en mai dernier d'une nouvelle traduction de Michel Lebrun aux éditions Le Belial
Et couverture d'Aurélien Police
On en parle bientôt sur Fantastinet
#Invasion #Extraterrestre #SF #JackFinney #BodySnatchers #invasiondesprofanateurs #MichelLebrun #aurelienpolice #Fantastinet #LectureEnCours
#invasion #extraterrestre #sf #jackfinney #bodysnatchers #invasiondesprofanateurs #michellebrun #aurelienpolice #fantastinet #lectureencours
#CharlesDickens was Court Reporter at the Old Bailey for John Fairburn’s ‘Chapbook’ when ‘The Italian Boy’ case was heard. It partly resulted in the #AnatomyAct1832 which legally allowing for bodies to be given to Anatomy & Medical schools for dissection putting #Bodysnatchers and #Grave_Robbers out of work.
#HarryHolt #Genealogy #Pugilist #Holt #Biography #HarryHoltBiography #SportsHistory #Bareknuckle #Boxing #Prizefighter #LondonPrizeRing #Regency #Georgian #C19th #19thCentury #History
#charlesdickens #AnatomyAct1832 #bodysnatchers #Grave_Robbers #HarryHolt #genealogy #Pugilist #Holt #biography #HarryHoltBiography #SportsHistory #bareknuckle #boxing #Prizefighter #LondonPrizeRing #Regency #Georgian #C19th #19thcentury #history
Always feel rejuvenated after coming back from my local #WritingGroup Always lots of great and welcome feedback. Now to crack on with that difficult middle section. #HistoricalFiction #Regency #bodysnatchers #resurrectionists #JohnHunter
#writinggroup #historicalfiction #Regency #bodysnatchers #resurrectionists #johnhunter
#5ThingsWIP #HistoricalFiction
1. Set in 1800. More accident than design but was a pivotal year because...
2. The Royal College of Surgeons became a 'thing' which means that my...
3. Female protagonist gets to have some fun in her quest to learn about surgery whilst...
4. Dodging marriage and...
5. Unearthing the murderer who is closer to home than she thinks
#bodysnatchers #resurrectionists #JohnHunter #AnatomySchool #London #GenreFun
#5thingswip #historicalfiction #bodysnatchers #resurrectionists #johnhunter #anatomyschool #london #genrefun
I’m a writer of #historicalfiction currently working on an #EighteenthCentury #novel. It’s inspired by #johnhunter , #bodysnatchers and #resurrectionists. I’m enjoying the #research as much as anything else and I now have a #bookmountain to get through. I have a #cat called #Edward which is about the only interesting biographical nugget of info I can offer as I’m currently overwhelmed by lots of work which is making me a dull gal indeed #selfemployed #tutor
#historicalfiction #EighteenthCentury #novel #johnhunter #bodysnatchers #resurrectionists #research #bookmountain #cat #Edward #selfemployed #tutor